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Found Another "Billyism" While Searching - Printable Version

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Found Another "Billyism" While Searching - cjs - 10-25-2010

And, spewed coffee on the screen - here's what I found while looking for pulled pork ideas.

From a thread entitled: “Mother’s Day Barbecue” - 5/13/06

"I'm such a dummy sometimes. I just figured out that alexsmom meant Alex's Mom. I tend to read things like that as a single word and think it must mean something to someone. Well, duh! My niece (Dana) and her husband (Eric) have an email address...dbatchelors. Their last name is Batchelor. It took me a while to figure out it meant "the batchelors." I never considered myself naive, so I must be just dumb

Anyway, alexsmom, welcome to CAH."

He sure is around a lot when we search.

Re: Found Another "Billyism" While Searching - Harborwitch - 10-25-2010

What a sweetie!

Re: Found Another "Billyism" While Searching - Gourmet_Mom - 10-25-2010

AWWWWW! I sure do miss moments like this! Even on the worst of days, this kind of thing would always make me smile. He sure did bring a lot of sunshine to the group.

Re: Found Another "Billyism" While Searching - pjcooks - 10-25-2010

I miss Billy.


Re: Found Another "Billyism" While Searching - BarbaraS - 10-25-2010

I have a couple pms from him I just can't delete.


Re: Found Another "Billyism" While Searching - Harborwitch - 10-25-2010

I can't delete any of them from Billy. I accidentally deleted one and cried.