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Christmas Countdown! - Printable Version

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Christmas Countdown! - pjcooks - 12-23-2010

Okay, being out of work has helped this week, I've done all the shopping and cooking and wrapping and setting up for dinner for 21 on Sat. Have my roast, my veg (haricot verts, braised fennel, asparagus and -surprise-peas, made and decorated about 25 dozen cookies, peanut butter fudge, got gingerbread baked for my gingerbread and lemon curd trifle, made my jus from oxtail, ironed all my napkins into a fancy shape, polished the silver, well you get the point. I'm doing okay. And I still managed to sew some presents. Just meatballs and cheese tray for starters, then french onion soup. A couple different kinds of rolls and I'm good.

If anyone is wondering about my choice of veg, the greens are requested and I insist upon having my fennel

Since the cookie project takes the better part of 2 days, I'm thinking of replacing that with another project, maybe make some decadent and different desserts, things I really want to try. I've been doing the cookie thing for 32 years now and I really would like to give it a break.

I still have three parties to attend tomorrow night, and yes, I will bring cookies and fudge.

I'll be happy when dinner is on the table, I always am. It's just getting there.

Vicci, you must be my twin in another life

How are the rest of you holding up?


Re: Christmas Countdown! - Gourmet_Mom - 12-23-2010

All my Christmas and grocery shopping and wrapping is done. House is cleaned and decorated except for a final mopping tomorrow afternoon. Cookies are done and ready to distribute. Tomorrow I'll make up the crab dip for Christmas Eve, bake some bread, make up my vinaigrette, and prep the twice baked taters for Christmas Day. Baby girl will help me make the tiramisu for the main event tomorrow evening while snacking on heavy hors d'oevres with cocktails. Hopefully we won't screw it up...LOL!

William is in charge of breakfast Christmas morning. All I'll have to do Saturday is roast the meat and asparagus and bake the garlic bread and twice baked taters. Sounds too easy...that scares me!

Re: Christmas Countdown! - pjcooks - 12-23-2010

You're so lucky William helps you, Daphne! Once I pull those sheet pans out, Picky's out of the house like a shot and doesn't come home until he's sure I'm finished for the day


Re: Christmas Countdown! - Gourmet_Mom - 12-23-2010

LOL! Actually, William used to be just as bad! But when I had to go back to work after his brain tumor, Ashley complained about missing having a hot breakfast every morning. So William jumped in for breakfast for everybody every morning. When he started cooking at the camp about a year ago, he got even more helpful.

But breakfast is his specialty. Baby Girl requested Dad fix his special breakfast instead of me making French Toast. Suits me! OS will do dishes, and I get to kick back with a cup of coffee and wait to be served!

Re: Christmas Countdown! - Harborwitch - 12-23-2010

I'm feeling a little out of sorts this year. Nothing is "done". We got the laundry done today and tomorrow we've got a little shopping to do, but then just the Tourtière for dinner. Christmas we'll relax and just putter with prepping some bread and ??? to take to Bill and Susan's.

Re: Christmas Countdown! - Gourmet_Mom - 12-23-2010

Sharon, I've been trying to figure this out. I've really felt bad that you are "blue" this Christmas. But I think I may have the solution. I wouldn't feel very Christmas-y without decorations of SOME kind. It's probably too late, but did you put up a little tree or string lights around the RV? Or just some touches of red and green or silver and gold around?

Re: Christmas Countdown! - karyn - 12-23-2010

Sharon, I'm sorry you're not feeling more Christmas-y! I agree with Daphne, maybe a bit of decorating might help. (Sort of like when your in a really bad mood and decide that, no matter what, you'll smile and thing something nice about the next ten people you see.) Sometimes faking positive works as well as being positive for me.

PJ and Daphne, you are way too on top of things. PJ, is the recipe for braised fennel available anywhere? It sounds amazing!

I need to get the kiddos and DH occupied for a few hours so that I can finish wrapping tomorrow. Cooking is pretty under control. It's just going to be us, the boys, and another couple. I did the majority of the food shopping today, and got the dough for the rolls made, so all I have to do is let them finish rising and bake them on Saturday.

We're having assorted appetizers instead of lunch, and seared tenderloin with a red wine pan sauce, wilted spinach salad, scalloped potatoes, and green beans for dinner. Our friends will provide dessert, so I don't know what's up there, but I know we'll totally enjoy our time together!

Re: Christmas Countdown! - Harborwitch - 12-23-2010

OH! Daphne you are so sweet. I am sitting here looking out the windshield of the RV - we have net lights and a big red sparkly bow on the front, there's a lighted garland on the edge of the awning, and we have a darling little tree and some festive ribbon in here.

Some health issues have made it more difficult this year, and being homesick for North Dakota doesn't help. I think we're missing the "white Christmas" thing.

Thank you for your care and concern dear. I'm so glad I have such wonderful friends here at C@H!!!

Re: Christmas Countdown! - Gourmet_Mom - 12-23-2010

I'm so glad you are treating yourself to as much Christmas as you can. I hear you on the White Christmas thing! I've only had one in my lifetime, but it is one of the most memorable! And this year I get to repeat it. I have ALWAYS dreamed of having Christmas in the mountains, but the kids never bought into taking Christmas to some rental. THIS year, I get my dream! There won't be a tree, but at least I'll have the snow.

Re: Christmas Countdown! - Harborwitch - 12-23-2010

Once you go "white" you're done! I'm so glad you get to go to the mountains for Christmas - even if it does happen to be on a trailer LOL!