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More Christmas Goodies! - cjs - 01-08-2011

I know the goat cheese was from Allison (cheesemonger), but I don't know if she or Bill & Jane gave us the Cranberry jam with Habanero. OH MY, is this a wonderful combination!

[Image: CIMG0247.jpg]

Topping garlic rubbed toasted bread rounds.

More thanks going out to Navasota.

Re: More Christmas Goodies! - Gourmet_Mom - 01-08-2011

Jean, check Allison's response about the nachos you made the other day.

Re: More Christmas Goodies! - cjs - 01-08-2011

Yes, I forgot she posted the link for the products -

As soon as I'm home I'm going to order some of their products. (saw a recipe for a coffee cake using a 'hot peach jam' that sounds delicious.)

Re: More Christmas Goodies! - Harborwitch - 01-08-2011

Oh Jean that is so pretty!!! I found a recipe for an apple habanero jelly the other day. Mmmmmmmmm. Playtime may be here. I'm seeing that on some cornmeal waffles . . . !

Re: More Christmas Goodies! - Gourmet_Mom - 01-08-2011

"cornmeal waffles"....excuse me?

You know, William made WAY too much cornbread today. A friend sandblasted an old cast iron cornbread skillet that belonged to his grandmother we had found. He couldn't help himself making a LOT of cornbread. LOL! He was so proud that he figured out all by himself that the best way to remove the cornbread (spent an hour looking for a pie server last night) was to turn the pan upside down...LOL! Unfortunately, deer season is over, so a HUGE pot of soup and dozens of pieces of cornbread found their way to the house.

ANYWAY, I've got all this cornbread to deal with. I could use it all for "bread crumbs/stuffing", but I'm thinking now of a sweet application of something like pancakes tomorrow morning. We used to do this thing with William's grandmother's pound cake she mailed to us in college. After the first day or two, we'd toast it and turn it into a French Toast type thing.

I think I have something to go with that fresh sausage in the morning! Thanks for the idea, Sharon!

Re: More Christmas Goodies! - DFen911 - 01-09-2011

Ok that is cruel.

What kind of cheese is that? And must know where to get that jelly.

Daphne I just imported a cornbread recipe that was posted here a long time ago into my new recipe program. Which recipe did William use?

I bet that jelly would go so darn good with the cornbread!

Re: More Christmas Goodies! - Gourmet_Mom - 01-09-2011

Oh, he just uses Jiffy. If I can get my hands on that pan, I'm making the one Jean posted from her friend's widow.

Re: More Christmas Goodies! - cjs - 01-09-2011

Daphne, I've used stale bread in the waffle iron also. YOu might be able to do this with the cornbread slices?

Denise, the website link is in my post. They have all kinds of goodies. This is one of the smoothest goat cheeses I've ever tasted. (ooops, the cheese is from somewhere else. will go look for it online.)

Here's the link for the cheese -

The one Allison gave us is "June's Joy" a Farmstead goat cheese. But, looks like they don't *****. darn.

Daphne, you won't be sorry Burr's Cornbread is so good!!!

Re: More Christmas Goodies! - DFen911 - 01-09-2011

Burr's! Yes that is the recipe I just put into my new program I need to get some more of that tomato seasoning and I hope I still have the link on my old pc.

Re: More Christmas Goodies! - Harborwitch - 01-09-2011

Daphne i just checked - the recipe for the cornmeal pancakes & waffles is on the side of the Jiffy box.

My Mom used to split cornmeal muffins or leftover biscuits, butter them, and run them under the broiler until toasty. We'd serve with jam or syrup. MMMMMmmmmmmmm.