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New issue, No. 93 has arrived - Printable Version

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New issue, No. 93 has arrived - Mare749 - 04-27-2012

Maybe some of you already got it while I was away. Have only spent a short time this morning looking through it, but my initial opinion is that this is a good one. There is a lot of variety for summer using fresh ingredients, and fewer high calorie recipes than the last few issues.

On page 6, the issue regarding the use of tamarind in the Pad Thai recipe from issue 91 is addressed.

There is a nice section on Cuban small plates. I will be interested to hear what Alina thinks about that. There is another section on marinades and techniques that looks good. The featured "market fresh salads" look delicious, as well as many of the side dishes.

One of the first dishes that I will want to make for a family dinner is the "Stove-top Clambake."

Re: New issue, No. 93 has arrived - cjs - 04-27-2012

No, haven't gotten mine yet. I'll be interested to read what they have to say about the Tamarind.

Re: New issue, No. 93 has arrived - esgunn - 04-27-2012

I just got mine yesterday. I was going to also point out the comments on the pad Thai recipe.

I have yet to try fresh tuna. Might try this one. And the Macadamia Nut-crusted Mahi Mahi looks good. Tandoori chicken thighs and the daiquiri cupcakes will probably be on the list too.

Re: New issue, No. 93 has arrived - Mare749 - 04-27-2012

Jean, the bottom line...there are different types of tamarind. They also suggest starting with less and tasting as you go. IMHO, this should have been made clear to begin with. I would have to go back and look at that issue to see if it was, but I don't think so.

Re: New issue, No. 93 has arrived - labradors - 04-27-2012

@Erin: Fresh tuna may as well be a different animal. Even just the smell (let alone the taste) of canned tuna bothers my stomach, but fresh tuna - especially grilled or broiled, is a thing of beauty. The centre part still isn't my favourite, but at least it's not the gastrointestinal nightmare than canned tuna is.

@Maryann: I don't recall there being tamarind in ANY Pad Thai I've ever had (and I LOVE tamarind, so I would have noticed it). That said, I do agree that the amount of tamarind should be increased only gradually - especially by those who have never used it before. Another suggestion would be NOT to rely entirely upon tasting that tamarind is like on its own, otherwise you may never like it at all. It's one of those ingredients that works in concert with other things and can be very by itself.

Dang! Now you've got me salivating and craving tamarind again! LOL!

Re: New issue, No. 93 has arrived - cjs - 04-27-2012

Labs, I don't know where you were during this fiasco with Tamarand and Pad Thai... but here's the thread

Re: New issue, No. 93 has arrived - karyn - 04-27-2012


@Erin: Fresh tuna may as well be a different animal. Even just the smell (let alone the taste) of canned tuna bothers my stomach, but fresh tuna - especially grilled or broiled, is a thing of beauty. The centre part still isn't my favourite, but at least it's not the gastrointestinal nightmare than canned tuna is.

Somewhat OT, but whatever...the wine is kicking in!

Canned tuna is the reason I've never tried tuna any other way. Just the smell of it turns my stomach in the teachers' lunchroom. My sons grew up without every having a tuna salad sandwich in their lunchboxes, and were stunned when they went away to college and liked it. (Isn't it funny how childhood food traumas can so totally affect what you offer to your children?) Maybe I'll have to give it a try in an appetizer-size serving, of course!

Re: New issue, No. 93 has arrived - DFen911 - 04-27-2012

Speaking of Tamarind...where are you guys getting yours? I checked with Penzey's spices where I get pretty much all my spices thru and even they don't sell it.

Re: New issue, No. 93 has arrived - Mare749 - 04-27-2012

I purchase mine at an Asian grocery store, but have seen it in specialty sections at supermarkets as well. It probably depends a lot on the local population. We have an actual "Chinatown" here with many different stores including Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Thai. Outside of Chinatown, we have several Indian stores, but the type of tamarind they use is completely different from Thai.

Re: New issue, No. 93 has arrived - labradors - 04-27-2012

@Jean: You know, I remember READING that thread, but don't remember why I didn't speak up then. I think it was mostly because it was an actual C@H recipe, I'm not a subscriber AND, where I live, I buy FRESH tamarind and would not be able to contribute much when the discussion turns to brands of tamarind paste/concentrate.