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Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - Printable Version

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Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - losblanos1 - 06-26-2012

From cuisine at Home issue # 94 (July/August 2012)

This was a very tasty burger, but it wasn't over the top. Some bites were an OMG moment, on other bites it was just OK. Maybe my cooking technique/ingredients were off. I used buttermilk mashed potatoes, could that affect the taste? (I do not think the potatoes were a great addition to this burger anyway)
I used a Merlot for the red wine, is that a good choice? Maybe a Cab. or Zif. would have been better? I'm sorry to say that I wouldn't make this again. Not a keeper for me.
I hope someone else will make this and comment.

[Image: BeefBourguignonburger-1.jpg]

Re: Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - luvnit - 06-27-2012

That looks just super! Great pics and nice review too. Hope it was still good.

Re: Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - Mare749 - 06-27-2012

Well, your photo sure is gorgeous. Sorry you didn't think this recipe was all that great.

Re: Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - cjs - 06-27-2012

Since I haven't seen this issue, I really shouldn't comment, but can't see why your Merlot wouldn't work. And, I would think Buttermilk mashed potatoes would be great. Hmmmm. Can't have all winners, I guess

Re: Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - losblanos1 - 06-27-2012

I had a leftover one for lunch today, minus the potatoes. It was delicious. I'll be more likely to make this again w/o the spuds.

Re: Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - karyn - 06-27-2012

After reading your review, I thought that the mashed potatoes might be over the top and was planning on leaving them out. You definitely confirmed that!

Re: Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - labradors - 06-27-2012


I used a Merlot for the red wine, is that a good choice? Maybe a Cab. or Zif. would have been better?

Not sure what the C@H recipe specified, but "Bourguignon" MEANS "Burgundy." That's where I'd start.

Even so, I've experimented with marinated burgers before, and beer worked MUCH better than wine (of course, that's not this recipe, though). My JalapeƱo Beerburgers worked out especially well.

Another thing about Boeuf Bourguignon is that the meat is braised in the wine and that gives it even more flavour. Hamburgers aren't braised, so they can't benefit from that long time or cooking in the wine.

Perhaps, to make up for the lack of braising, a stronger wine would help, so I think you'd be on the right track with a Zinfandel.

Sorry it wasn't a smash hit. If you do decide to try it with a different wine, please post your results.

Re: Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - losblanos1 - 06-28-2012

Labs, thank you. I really appreciate your feedback. My problem with this recipe was the potatoes. When I bit into the potato free areas of the burger, it was delicious. When I bit into a potato area, it was a taste dead zone, it was like the potato neutralized the flavor.

Re: Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - labradors - 06-28-2012

Makes sense.

Re: Recipe review: Beef Bourguignon burgers - Gourmet_Mom - 06-28-2012

Seriously, I think I may try the favors....but without the spuds. Wonder if C@H monitors our chat and considers it? Wonder if you put the spuds in a pocket in the burger.....with a lot of cheese mixed in?