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What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - Printable Version

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What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - cjs - 09-04-2012

What's on the menu for today??

I have some rib meat l/o so I'm going to do a bast*rdized version of C&H's Mojo marinated pork tacos that a lot of us made a couple years ago. Grilling book #3 - I think it is.

Re: What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - Trixxee - 09-04-2012

Since I still have a few slices of bacon, pepperjack cheese, rolls, chipotles and limeade left, might as well make those chicken sandwiches again. Waste not, want not!

Re: What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - Mare749 - 09-04-2012

I made the Mini Meatball Lasagna from Cuisine for Two, but did not bake it yet. It's resting in the refrigerator until this evening. I'm going to make a caesar salad to go with it.

Re: What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - mjkcooking - 09-04-2012


that sounds good - let me know what you think of this recipe.



Re: What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - Roxanne 21 - 09-04-2012

Salmon with a honey/soy glaze, angel hair pasta and ASPARAGUS with parmesan...roasted.

Re: What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - Mare749 - 09-04-2012

Marye, I haven't baked it yet, but the meatballs were really tasty, but a bit salty. I would cut back on the salt in the meatballs, and maybe add it instead to the sauce, which needed it. It makes a beautiful looking lasagna.

Re: What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - cjs - 09-04-2012

I love those darn tacos that you spread refried beans on corn tortilla and top with jack cheese and put on the grill. I got almost 4 oz. of meat off 2 ribs from yesterday (not country ribs - baby back!!) and the flavors are so good. (we ate too fast to take pictures.... )

Re: What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - losblanos1 - 09-04-2012

Maryann, please let us know how that turns out. I've got it on my "to make" list.

Tonight is an encore of Gordon Ramseys Pressed Pork Belly. I'm going to serve it on a potato galette with a side of asparagus .

Re: What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - Lorraine - 09-04-2012

It was a crazy day. Reheating some chicken legs, chicken gravy. Sides are roasted new red peppers and broccoli. Good old Iceberg Salad for me.

Re: What's for Dinner, Tues., 9/4?? - Gourmet_Mom - 09-04-2012

Maryann, be sure to review it. That's on my menu for this Thursday. Salt already noted.

Tonight we're having the Grilled Rachel Panini with Horseradish Coleslaw from Fresh and Fabulous. I've got potato salad made and chilling already.

I'll have to change next week's menu. Jody came home with William today and brought me some gifts....bay leaves trimmed from his bush and DOLPHIN FISH! YAY! I can't wait! There's enough for two meals. Now to figure out how I want to fix it. He also had a bunch of Black Sea Bass, but he had already given it away.