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Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - Printable Version

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Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - Mare749 - 01-24-2013

We haven't done a b-day dinner in a long time. Is there any interest in doing one? Or, what about a Mardi Gras party?

Re: Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - mjkcooking - 01-24-2013

I'm in. Haven't done anything fun for a while.

Re: Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - Cubangirl - 01-24-2013

My birthday is coming up in February. I would love another "chopped-style" dinner, forgot what we called it. That was a lot of fun for me. Or maybe something that includes doing something from our "bucket list".

As an aside, I just took out the instructions to my pasta attachment for the KA. Will be reading them in a few minutes. Hoping to make egg noodles to go with CARBONNADE À LA FLAMANDE which I hope to do tomorrow, to eat Saturday. which I am converting to the pressure cooker.

There was nothing in the last issue I wanted to make and I did not renew my subscription.

Re: Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - karyn - 01-24-2013

I think that's a great idea! I'm in, too.

Re: Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - losblanos1 - 01-24-2013

I enjoyed the B'day dinners, I'm in.

Re: Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - Trixxee - 01-24-2013

I would be interested in a birthday dinner.

Re: Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - Mare749 - 01-24-2013

Alina, your birthday, you get to pick! We do try to use Cuisine recipes though. So, anytime you are ready, would you post your menu with the recipes and tell us what day we will review.

In the past, we allowed two weeks and would post reviews on a Monday. It sounds like some of us are ready to participate.

Labs, I believe you have a birthday coming up also, so you might want to start thinking about your birthday menu, too.

Re: Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - farnfam - 01-24-2013

Birthday or Mardi Gras, I have a good Shrimp and Artichoke Soup and that Shrimp Creole with Grits Soufflé was tasty!
Edited to add: Oops late to the party, I'm in!

Re: Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - Gourmet_Mom - 01-24-2013

I have a birthday in February, but I don't know that I can commit. You guys go with Aloina's idea, and I'll participate if I can. I have a lot on my plate right now.

Re: Is anyone interested in doing a birthday dinner? - Cubangirl - 01-24-2013

You guys decide on the Birthday dinner menu. There is nothing new that appeals right now. FWIW, as I went through my back issues prior to getting rid of them since I have the archive, I saw lots of stuff I made and loved, but nothing in the last year was marked to make. Not sure what that means.

I was thinking more of a mystery box idea, so we can save that for another time.

I have been reading Stir by Barbara Lynch (my wonderful dinner at Menton), which DD sent me for Christmas (She had Barbara personally dedicated to me, soo cool) plus I just got Modernist Cuisine at Home and can't wait to start on that, so I am going to be making stuff from there mostly in the next few weeks, I imagine. Fits in with my bucket list stuff.