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Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - Printable Version

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Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - cjs - 03-15-2014

What's on the menu for everyone today??

We're headed to Silverdale/Central Market - want to pick up some N.W. seafood for Allison to experience.... geoduck, Dungeness crab, razor clams, seaweed salad.

Probably stop somewhere.

Re: Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - Trixxee - 03-15-2014

We hit a major snafu around dinner time and I didn't make anything. Got Del Taco. So tonight it's the pork marsala. But then that left me with the defrosted ground beef for Nigella's meatballs I planned on for tonight so now we'll have to make bunless cheeseburgers for lunch and make the meatballs next weekend. Best laid plans.

Re: Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - Old Bay - 03-15-2014

We just had lunch. Leftover Sole turned into fish tacos with a twist. I made a pico de gallo to go with corn tortillas, but added sea beans. Delicious! They are also known as samphire and are served raw. We had some with Dover Sole in London. They are salty and taste like the sea. Cooking ruins them. The fish tacos were an experiment and worked. Someone should take it commercial. They are available here, though we had to get them at Central Market. Try them.

Jean, thanks for hosting our girl. You know she is a lot of fun, and smart! By the way, she loves Rogue River Blue Cheese.

Re: Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - Gourmet_Mom - 03-15-2014

Cool! Allison is visiting? Wonder if she and Roy will drink Jean under the table again?!?! LOL!

I think we are going to try to do beer can chicken? But the wind has picked up again this afternoon, so it may turn into baked chicken. Not sure about veggies yet.

Re: Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - labradors - 03-15-2014

Nobody's reviewing the Biryani scheduled for today?

Re: Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - losblanos1 - 03-15-2014

Tonight I'm making the Beef Biryani.

Re: Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - cjs - 03-15-2014

I so screwed up this one...I apologize. Don't know where the days have

Re: Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - Gourmet_Mom - 03-15-2014

Trying roasting broccoli and little red potatoes! Dinner is late....not my fault this time...chickens were half frozen. I didn't buy them, so he can't complain. I put them in a big pot with a Coke brine for a while. On the grill now. Fire on the deck, wine in hand, and music playing. I'm good!

Re: Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - Gourmet_Mom - 03-15-2014

Deck time!

[Image: image-8.jpg]]

Re: Saturday's Dinner, 3/15/14?? - Harborwitch - 03-16-2014

Laura posted a link to a recipe for Kung Pao Cauliflower on FB and I made it tonight for dinner - OMG! This is such a keeper. I doubled the recipe and we just have a taste for Billie left. We did add a little extra heat at serving time. Wow - Laura, if you haven't made this - DO! Kung Pao Cauliflower