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Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - Printable Version

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Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - cjs - 01-07-2015

Oh my, these are wonderful - here is the recipe as it will go into the 'On The Road' book without too much editing.

Sourdough Dinner Rolls

I adapted a dinner roll recipe that is floating around the internet and I have no idea where it originated. Being on the road plus we, as just 2 people, do not need so many sandwich rolls at one time, so I cut the recipe in half and it works beautifully. You can make small loaves of bread, sandwich rolls or dinner rolls. And, the added bonus of using 1/2 whole wheat flour and 1/2 all-purpose gives the bread a delicious hearty flavor.

1/2 cup sourdough starter
3/4 cup warm water
1/2 tablespoon yeast
1/2 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoons white sugar or 1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 1/2 to 2 1/4 cups flour (I used 3/4 cup white and 3/4 cup whole wheat and used the all-purpose for the additional)
Butter, melted

Lightly oil a 9 x 13 inch pan or line with parchment paper. ( I used a 1/4 sheet pan)

In a large mixing bowl combine starter, water, yeast, salt, sugar and oil.
Stir in flour, adding flour 1/2 cup at a time until dough is manageable.
Turn out onto a floured surface and knead well, 4 to 6 minutes.

Place dough in a bowl and cover, set in a warm place to double in size, about 1 hour.
When double, punch dough down and with lightly floured hands, form into rolls.(for specific size rolls, see below)

Place on prepared pan, cover and let rise until doubled then bake approximately 20 minutes in a 375°F. oven.

Last 5 minutes of baking, brush with melted butter and return to oven.

Deciding what to use the bread dough for: this amount makes 22 oz. of dough.

Idea 1 – Make one approx. 1 1/2 lb. loaf – you’ll need to bake 375° for 35 to 40 minutes. Spray the loaf pan – 8 1/2”X 4 1/2" – with cooking spray or line with parchment paper.

Idea 2 – Make 8 to 10 dinner rolls – dividing dough into 2oz. to 2.5 oz. pieces and form into dinner rolls. Spray a baking pan with cooking spray or line with parchment paper. Bake the rolls for 25 to 30 minutes at 375°F.

Idea 3 – Make 4 Hoagie-style sandwich rolls – divide the dough into 4 5.5 oz. pieces and roll into log. Spray a baking pan with cooking spray or line with parchment paper. Bake the rolls for 20 to 30 minutes at 375°F.

For whichever bread configuration you choose – keep these two ideas in mind –
1. For the last 5 minutes of baking, brush with melted butter.
2. The easiest way to know the bread is baked perfectly, insert an instant thermometer into the center. Bread is ready at 200°

[Image: Jan7Sandwichrolls_zps59cc4f37.jpg]

[Image: Jan7PulledPorkSandwich_zps078a890f.jpg]

The 2 rolls on the left is what I will aim for want two different configurations, but like those best.

Re: Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - Mare749 - 01-07-2015

Oh, I really need to get a starter going again. Those look so good and just the kind of rolls that we like for sandwiches, too.

Re: Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - foodfiend - 01-07-2015

Same here. I killed my starter a couple of years ago and haven't yet had the nerve to begin again (I'm a bad Starter Mom).

Re: Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - Gourmet_Mom - 01-07-2015

Something to get started maybe next week! I LOVE RETIREMENT!

Re: Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - karyn - 01-07-2015


Something to get started maybe next week! I LOVE RETIREMENT!

Grrr...just sayin'...

Not sure when retirement's happening around here, but I'm so glad you're having the opportunity to enjoy it! I'm so glad that you and William have lots of fun years to look forward to!!

Re: Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - cjs - 01-08-2015

And, all of you are why I now need to develop this same amount recipe without sourdough........ both need to be in the book, I'm thinking.

Re: Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - Roxanne 21 - 01-08-2015

I have a starter in my fridge most of the time. Even though I don't do the bread thing anymore..just knowing that the starter is there is comforting. It does not spoil and if we have guests I can whip up a homemade baguette or two.

In the book for sure, Jean!!!

Re: Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - Gourmet_Mom - 01-08-2015

Hurry up, Karyn!!!!!

Re: Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - Cubangirl - 01-09-2015

Jean the bread is perfect for us too. I don't know how to find the old bucket list thread, but making sourdough was on it for me. I now have a very nice lively starter in the fridge. Used it for KAF's Baker's Grain Sourdough for Steve and it turned out really well. Your recipe is more my kind of bread. Does it need recently fed starter? What brand white flour did you use? Are the loaves on the left formed and baked on a sheet pan or in a loaf pan? Thanks.

Anyway it is copied and I'll try it as soon as I can keep the brace off my hand for more than a few minutes. We like to use hoagie size rolls for garlic bread.

Re: Sourdough Dinner/Sandwich Rolls - cjs - 01-09-2015

Well, don't know enough about starter to say it doesn't need fresh, but I always plan my baking around using the fed starter 24 hours later.

I use K.A. whole wheat & a.p. All 4 of the loaves/rolls were free form and baked on a baking sheet. Wasn't sure what I wanted for the end result, but I love the 2 on the left.

I have another batch rising - making a recipe similar to this one, but not calling for sourdough starter - since so many do not have it.

I'll be really anxious to hear of your results, Alina, 'cause this/these will go into the Traveling book.