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Message Thingee - Printable Version

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Message Thingee - cjs - 08-17-2015

The little message (flashing envelope) - will not go out. For a couple days it continually flashed, now it's just a sold icon.

Anyone know how to dislodge it??

P.S. Trying to send Lorraine a msg. but keeps telling me her mailbox is full. Could someone try sending one to her and see if it has something to do with my icon (or whatever the darn thing is) being stuck??

Re: Message Thingee - Gourmet_Mom - 08-17-2015

This is the message I got.

"This user has exceeded their private message quota and may not receive any new private messages. "

Re: Message Thingee - cjs - 08-17-2015

(I think she 'thought' she had emptied it..... ) I just sent one and it got thru finally.

Thanks Daphne,

Re: Message Thingee - Gourmet_Mom - 08-17-2015

Thank goodness! But it's been funny to watch! LOL!

Re: Message Thingee - cjs - 08-17-2015

You just like watching how computer-dumb I can be, Miss!

Re: Message Thingee - Gourmet_Mom - 08-17-2015

You think?