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Started my seeds yesterday - Printable Version

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Started my seeds yesterday - esgunn - 03-31-2007

We are getting a late start on our garden this year due to being gone on vacation. I hope we are not too late - usually we are a little too early and really trying to get the plants to hang on before planting out in the garden -so maybe it will work out.

I planted:
Tomato - Ledgend, Stupice, and Fresh Salsa(roma), Honey bunch grape, and tumbler (I love those - about the size of a campanari and go in hanging planters on the deck!)

Basil - Large Green, bush, Thai
Parsley - Green River and Italian
New Zealand Spinach - We loved this last year lasted until frost.
Bell Peppers and Jalapeno peppers
Peas we planted in the garden before we left
Carrots and Beans will go directly in soon.

Vacation was fabulous. Palm Desert, San Diego(Sea World) and Lake Chapala Mexico. Didn't try many new adventurous foods. My spanish isn't very good and we were mostly with family at homes. I did see some great Tiangius - Weekely street markets. There was one fruit I had never seen and now for the life of me can't remember what it was called. Kind of brown and shaped like a mango or a papaya and had pinkish orange flesh and a brown pit. And we saw Chayote growning on the hillsides. Anyone cook with it before?

Re: Started my seeds yesterday - Mare749 - 03-31-2007

Hi Erin, welcome home! Hope you had a great vacation.

Sounds like you are going to have a really great garden.
I'm envious that you can start outside already. We have to wait until the 1st of May to avoid danger of frost. I am starting seeds inside though and have herbs growing in my little greenhouse. Also sprouting seeds in jars.


Re: Started my seeds yesterday - esgunn - 03-31-2007

Maryann - the only things I started outside are my peas. Everything else has to start inside. I can't plant outside until at least May 15th and tomatoes are better if you wait until the 1st of June! We have threats of Snow on Monday.

Re: Started my seeds yesterday - cjs - 03-31-2007

Erin, you can plant outdoors in Federal Way now???? In Issaquah, we had to wait until after Mother's day - because of frost...

Here in Port Angeles, I'm still learning, but I'm only doing a miniature garden (for me) anymore - mostly herbs.

Chayote, I always look at in the store, thinking I'm going to get those one day....that day hasn't shown its face yet!!

Welcome home, we missed you!

Re: Started my seeds yesterday - esgunn - 03-31-2007

No, just peas! I guess I wasn't very clear! It is just so plain to me that nothing can be started outside here! Mothers day is always the mark for planting my planter boxes and any other vegies in the garden - and you still have to be carefull.

Re: Started my seeds yesterday - bjcotton - 03-31-2007

What Jean said about chayote. Always wanted to but never did I haven't planted anything yet. Unplanted my Meyer's Lemon and Persian lime though. My BIL killed them dead over the winter.

Re: Started my seeds yesterday - vannin - 03-31-2007

Chayotes are what we call chokos here. They have a sort of marrow/zucchini sort of taste, and are very versile. Chokos grow wild here, and a lot of people have them growing over half collapsed sheds way down the back yard in the older parts of the city and suburbs. People turn their noses up at it, but it can be sweetened and cooked like an ordinary pear, used for things like jam stretchers, roasted, stuffed and baked with foods of pronounced flavour, bacon, cheddar, tomatoes, beetroot, celery, onion, etc. A very hardy plant, give it plenty of room if you plant one.

Re: Started my seeds yesterday - cjs - 04-01-2007

You lost your Meyer, Billy? We did too - thot we had them protected enuf, but we didn't. I'm going to order one mail order and give it another try - will bring them in in winter.

Re: Started my seeds yesterday - foodfiend - 04-01-2007

I planted some of my seeds in pots a week ago and all are up except 4 poblano pepper plants and the yellow pear tomatoes (which I really didn't excpect to germinate since the seed is probably 4 years old). So far:
24 Brandy Boy tomatoes
12 Sandwich Slicing tomatoes
8 Juliet (grape) tomatoes
4 broccoli
4 brussel sprouts

In a few weeks I'll plant the squash and other faster-growing veggies.

Green beans were $3/ pound in the store the other day-- I'll be so happy to harvest my own (and freeze a bunch for next winter!)