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Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - Printable Version

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Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - BarbaraS - 08-30-2009

Hello Everyone,

I know that with all the unhappy news having been posted recently (and if I missed out on any condolences, I am truly sorry), I hope that even though summer's about to officially end, you are all in good health and good spirits.

A couple of weeks ago my sister and her hubby, who live in Scotland, came over the pond for a 3 week visit. It was wonderful! I took a full week off from work and have never had a better time with my oldest sis! We are both quite emotional about our elderly parents' states, but we laughed and cried and had the BEST time together!

Now to get to my post. I made an 8-layer lasagna from issue 48 and the Pineapple Crisp for her and my folks and she went wild over both!! I gave her both the recipes with instructions and a package of instant tapioca that she would not be able to get in Edinburgh. <<<Hugs to Jean, that's the "recipe of the year!!>>>

Anyway, Kim loved the lasagna so much, she vowed not to leave any leftover, and didn't. She told me horror stories of what the Scottish consider lasagna, and vowed to make it for her choir group at Greyfriars Kirk the next time they have their version of a pot luck dinner. The problem is, she cannot obtain any fresh Italian pork sausage for the meat sauce. So we were trying to figure out a recipe she could follow, but couldn't come up with any, especially the spices involved. She was so impressed with the layering and enormity of the project, she even wrote me the lovliest thank you note which she tucked in my lasagna pan after she cleaned it. I wish I could scan it, her penmanship is to die for! I'd really like to help her out so she could make this for her choir friends.

Does anyone have a recipe I could write to her about?

Thanks in advance!!


Re: Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - Gourmet_Mom - 08-30-2009

Sadly, my computer crashed this summer and Jean's recipe went with it. I should be able to restore my files as soon as my replacement MC9 disc arrives. But until then, I'm sure someone will be along soon to post more than you would ever want to know. I'll try a search...I'm sure there's threads with the recipes in here somewhere!

Speaking of my replacement disc...I feel the need to whine. Don't you hate when you loan something out and people don't return it...especially when you can't remember who you loaned it to? I guess that's what I get for sharing software...not very ethical, so now I'm paying the price...literally...LOL!

Re: Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - labradors - 08-30-2009

Here's the recipe Jean posted a while back, and is the one I've been using. It's perfect. I make it as bulk sausage, not in the casings, and I have the pork already ground at the supermarket, so all I have to do is mix in the spices, and it is always great!

Italian Sausage

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
6 feet medium casings
5 pounds boneless pork butt -- cubed
2 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon coarse black pepper
5 cloves garlic (optional) -- minced
2 teaspoons fennel seeds
1 teaspoon anise seeds
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes (1 to 3 Tbs) -- optional
1/3 cup flat-leaf Italian or curly parsley, -- coarsely chopped

1. Follow directions *To Prepare Casings for Stuffing.

2. Put the cubed pork through meat grinder with coarse blade in place.

3. In large bowl mix remaining ingredients with the ground meat.

4. Stuff mixture into casings and twist off into 4- to 5-inch sausages, or make one long coil.

5. Keep sausages loosely wrapped and refrigerated; use within 3 days. Freeze sausages that will not be used within that time.

6. To cook, place sausages in large skillet and add 1/4 cup water. Pierce sausages with 2-tined fork or needle in 2 or 3 places to allow for air expansion and to prevent bursting as sausage cooks. Cover. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes; turn sausages after 5 minutes.

7. Uncover sausage. Continue to cook until liquid evaporates and sausages brown.

Re: Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - Gourmet_Mom - 08-30-2009

I see Labs posted the recipe before I got back.

In case you are interested, here is the thread where she posted that recipe among others! It's a great list of meat! I'm anxious for cooler weather. Making sausage without AC is a little risky. But come fall...I'm going to go crazy! I am going to get the store to grind mine this time, though. Italian Sausage Thread

Re: Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - cjs - 08-30-2009

Oh wow! What a fun time you must have had with your sis! What is it about parents aging that seems to bring siblings closer than they might have been before?

I sure hope she likes the sausage - I agree with everyone else, it is good.

Re: Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - BarbaraS - 08-30-2009

WOW!!! Thank you Labs and Daphne so much!! We figured on fennel and anise seeds, but couldn't put a finger on anything else.

So is there a part of the piggy she should ask to be ground for the recipe?


Re: Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - Gourmet_Mom - 08-30-2009

"5 pounds boneless pork butt -- cubed"

Since this is probably a US term, this would be the shoulder. You could also use the ham, I think, but there would be a much larger bone. The pork butt I buy has a thin, flat bone in it also, so she needs more than 5 pounds if she is buying it bone-in. If she gets the store to grind it...just 5 pounds.

Re: Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - Mare749 - 08-30-2009

So nice to see you back on the forum, Barbara! Glad you had such a wonderful time with your sister.

Jean's recipe for sausage is so easy and really good. Now, there is a good reason to look forward to the cooler weather!

Re: Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - BarbaraS - 08-31-2009

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

I copied both the sweet and regular Italian sausage recipes to a Word doc and my sis can decide. They both sound delish!


Re: Fresh Italian Sausage Recipe? - BarbaraS - 08-31-2009

You know what Jean? There are 10 of us - parents and 8 kids. We never got along with each other growing up, but we sure do now! We only missed one brother from CA this year to make it a full family reunion.

And boy oh boy, do we regale the nieces and nephews with stories!! !

And we can sure embarrass them with stuff, too!! ! Anyone remember Mad Magazine and their zany songs? Yeah, most of us remember them
