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Sweet Corn Soup with Red Pepper Flan - Printable Version

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Sweet Corn Soup with Red Pepper Flan - mjkcooking - 09-04-2009

A red pepper flan garnished each serving in lieu of the flan, consider a garnish Dungeness crab meat warmed in butter or sauteed forest mushrooms.
Makes 8 Servings

For the Red Pepper flan
1 small onion, peeled and thinly sliced ( about 1 cup )
1 /4 cup butter, plus butter for the cups
3 large red bell peppers, seeded and chopped
4 large eggs
1/2 cup whipping cream
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon salt
For the corn Soup:
8 ears fresh sweet corn
1/2 cup (1stick) unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper

1. to make the red pepper flan, preheat oven 30 350 and butter the insides of eight 4 ounce ramekins. Arrange the ramekins in a larger baking dish and pour water in the baking dish to each halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Saute the sliced onion in butter just until soft and transfer the sauteed onion to a blender. Pile in the eggs, chopped red peppers, whipping crea, paprika, and salt and blend until the mixture is smooth. Distribute the mixture evenly between the prepared ramekins and bake until set, about 20 minutes.

2. To obtain the corn pulp for the soup, trim the base of each ear of corn to make it stand flat on the cutting board. Working with one ear at a time, use a sharp knife to cut down the center of each row of kernels, then use the dull side of the knife blade to scrape down the ear and force out the pulp. Collect the pulp in a large saucepan.

3. To finish the soup. Stir the corn pulp in the saucepan over medium heat with the salt and white pepper until the mixture is steaming hot, and just beginning to boil. Add the butter in bits and continue stirring until the butter has melted and the soup is smooth and creamy.

4. Turn each red pepper flan out of its ramekin and into a wide open soup bowl.
ladle soup around the flan and serve hot.

This soup was very good and very different. - We used a small mini cupcake
pan to make flans

This recipe is from Greg Atkinson - Chef and Cookbook Author.

Re: Sweet Corn Soup with Red Pepper Flan - Gourmet_Mom - 09-04-2009

So to clarify, you cut through the middle of the kernels, instead of next to the cob as you would normally do, so you can "extract" the pulp to make the soup? I'm having a hard time picturing this being enough "liquid" to make enough soup for 8 "dishes". But I guess if you used mini muffin pans for the "flan", it MIGHT be enough. HMMMMM?

This is just different enough that I may just have to try it to see if it will work like I imagine...LOL! Hopefully, it will work reduced....I don't see why it wouldn't...I don't think.

Re: Sweet Corn Soup with Red Pepper Flan - Old Bay - 09-05-2009

OMG--this sounds delicious!! What a combination!! I make red bell soup, freeze it, and eat year around-- but --a red pepper flan , sweet corn soup, really creative with the flan Really creative use of the pepper. Thank You.

Re: Sweet Corn Soup with Red Pepper Flan - HomeCulinarian - 09-05-2009

I also need some explanation about obtaining the corn pulp... Sounds marvelous!

Re: Sweet Corn Soup with Red Pepper Flan - cjs - 09-05-2009

Sounds like we work with the juice and pulp rather than any of the kernal skin.

Gee, this does sound so good. AND I've got all these peaches and pluots to can before I can play with these two recipes. drat!

Re: Sweet Corn Soup with Red Pepper Flan - mjkcooking - 09-05-2009

This "Soup" is very thick - and yes you cut down the middle of the kernels
and then use the back side of the knife to get the pulp out - quite interesting - very thick - and tasty

we used the mini cupcake pan only for the smaller taste - I think a bigger
ramekin would be nice to use as it was so tasty. the soup was presented around the flan.

He is a great chef

we also made Rosemary Focaccia bread.