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Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - Printable Version

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Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - labradors - 12-28-2009

Although I've heard about pressure cookers, I had never actually seen one in use until Christmas Eve, when my friend (at whose restaurant I was helping out) had two of them going. Of course, that has piqued my curiosity, so I'm wondering whether I should get one or not.

Do any of you have any suggestions for how to select a pressure cooker? I've seen some with gauges and some without. I've seen some with one release valve and some with as many as five. There are different sizes, and there are even some that say they are for canning. How can I sort out all of that to make a proper, well-informed choice?


Re: Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - pjcooks - 12-28-2009

Mine is about 20 yrs old, very simple, one gauge and one release, works great. I didn't pay big bucks for it, either, the brand name escapes me but it was inexpensive. Just make sure it's the right size. Mine was great when the kids were all home, but now it's too big for the 2 of us. My Mom is still using the Presto heavy clunker she bought in 1956 and it's going strong.


Re: Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - labradors - 12-28-2009

They do seem to be relatively inexpensive, from what I've seen so far. Do you think extra valves provide extra safety or just extra things that could go wrong?

Re: Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - cjs - 12-28-2009

I've never worked with the ones with multi valves. Mine has just one also. I don't use it much anymore but when I was personal cheffing, I used it 2-3 times a week. Also,mine was no special thing, so was inexpensive.

Re: Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - labradors - 12-28-2009

Another question: how should I determine what size to get? Although I'm single, I am not a "soup-for-one" cook. Instead, I'll usually make full recipes that are listed as serving four to eight people, then have it as leftovers for a few days, straight, and/or freeze it for later use.

Re: Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - DFen911 - 12-28-2009

Well the one I have is by Fagor. I got the 8 quart so I could do larger batches or whole chickens. I love it! I do big batches of beans, bigger cuts of meat. It's a great way to jump start short ribs.

Re: Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - labradors - 12-28-2009

What would be the minimum size to use for a whole chicken, and what would be the size, after that, where the cooker would be too big to be practical for more-frequent use?

Anything special to consider based upon the type of stove where it will be used? My stove uses LP gas (propane).

Re: Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - mjkcooking - 12-29-2009

Hi Labs

I have had a pressure cooker for years - and like most of us I do not
use it as much as I did when family was home - But I do like it and
would suggest you look at a Stainless Steel one over an aluminum one
Mine is a Mirror Brand and one valve. They do have small sizes and even Mico Wave cookers

But I like the standard size which will do Chickens, Roasts, beans and soups

Also they have electric pressure cookers - I haven't used one but thought they
looked interesting

What did your friend use it for in the Restaurant?

Good Luck with your research. I would think you would enjoy this item.


Re: Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - pjcooks - 12-29-2009

I've never had any sort of accident or incident with mine. Several friends and family members have basic models, and they haven't had any problems, either.

Besides, all that extra stuff clutters up my mind, I've got enough clutter in there to begin with!


Re: Tips for selecting a pressure cooker? - labradors - 12-29-2009


What did your friend use it for in the Restaurant?

Good Luck with your research. I would think you would enjoy this item.

Thanks. My friend used two of them: one for beef and the other for pork. I was too busy doing other things, at the time, to see exactly what he did or any other details about the cookers. Actually, they were already on the stove when I got there.

This is something I have always wanted to try, but had never really seen in action for me to consider it seriously until now.