Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - Printable Version +- Cuisine at home Forums ( +-- Thread: Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs (/showthread.php?tid=97866) |
Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - HomeCulinarian - 03-23-2010 We just recently switched our home computer from PC to Mac. Hubby finally prevailed! So, I've invested some effort in putting recipes in MC 9.0 and am looking for a software that will let me import my work. I found two possibilities on searching... MacGourmet and Shop n Cook for Mac. Anyone have experience with either? Are the others? Should I stick with MC 9.0 and buy the Mac to PC application? Help!!! Re: Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - Gourmet_Mom - 03-23-2010 Jeanette, I'm sorry. I am no help here. I would not have logged back on to post, if not for the rooster thing. Regarding your question...I am wondering if Cubangirl could help. I hope she will see this. She uses LIVING COOKBOOK. If I am not mistaken, she was able to easily import MC files to LC. I also think she could convert LC for PC to LC for Mac easily. The bottom line will probably be cost....Buying Living Cookbook or downloading MC for Mac. I will be interested in what you find out. I started on a Mac and LOVED it. I am fascinated with the new influx of Mac in technology, but I am now rooted in Windows. It will be VERY interesting what Labs has to say about this. His use of other OS (operating systems) and his diverse experience should provide an interesting and informative answer. Re: Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - labradors - 03-24-2010 Unfortunately, I don't have very much Mac experience, but don't the Macs have some kind of emulator or alternate environment that allows many (though not all) Windows programs to run? OS-X is a variation of UNIX, just as Linux is, but it has been MUCH more specialised AND commercially developed. Here's what the Apple website says: Quote: So, if you don't like the cooking software that's available for Mac, or don't want to get a different program if you already have one, you can dual boot or you can use one of the virtual machines they mentioned. You'd be better off asking someone with more Mac experience than I have, though, for the actual details, but it doesn't look as though you're completely shut out. Re: Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - HomeCulinarian - 03-24-2010 Regarding cost... I gave my MC 9.0 CD to my son, and would have to buy something anyway. We talked about getting the emulator software if all else fails. It works, it's just slow. Just received a message back from the Shop N Cook people who tell me that "If you export your MasterCook recipes to mxp or mx2 formats (these are MasterCook text-based formats), you will be able to import them into Shop'NCook without problems." So, if this is true, and I don't get my questions from MacGourmet answered soon, I'll probably at least give Shop N Cook a trial run. Hope this experience is easier than moving from Quicken to iBank! That was rough. Re: Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - piano226 - 03-24-2010 Hi, I switched to mac too...and I run dual operating systems. if you install Windows on your mac , purchase a software called parallels...this way you do not need to switch your mac off and on to boot into a different operating system. I absolutely love mine. Had now for a few months, never a hang up , never froze...and I run dual operating system all day long. Re: Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - HomeCulinarian - 03-24-2010 Thanx for that advice, Piano. Hubby is a Mac devotee and I've used PCs at work for 20 years. The price of the MacBook was close enough to the price of a new PC, so.... I have a 'company' issued laptop to take when I travel, but don't want to use it for such personal things as recipes, not to mention our personal finances. Re: Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - piano226 - 03-24-2010 Yes, i am very familiar with 20 years of PC use. It took my daughter a year of pure blackmailing to get me to buy mac. She was sooooooo right....I will never ever ever go back to PC. Took a few days to get used to but I am so glad i listened to her. This laptop, so far I had for about 6 months. I simultaneously us mac OS, windows and my work private VPN. To this never hung, never froze, i never had to reboot it. I had every imaginable laptop in PC world ie , toshiba, hp, compaq, dell, lenovo, sony and IBM with constant rebooting, freezing, hung ups and so on. I guarantee you, as soon as you will get used to it you will not even want to touch your PC. I really dont know anybody that switched and said...oh geez...i wish I could go back. Good luck with it. Re: Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - Dismc - 03-25-2010 I'm anxiously waiting for Cook'N software for Macs to come out. (It's currently only for PCs). If you go to their website there's a great demonstration video. Looks good to me as I've just been using Textedit for all my recipes. There's a list on the website for who's interested in them developing Cook'N for Macs and if you pay $10 and they reach $10,000 (they're at $9,500) he'll develop the software and you'll receive a copy for the $10 you paid. I hope it's soon as I've been waiting a while now. Re: Need some help with Recipe Software for Macs - HomeCulinarian - 03-25-2010 HMMM.. Hadn't even heard of Cook'n. Looks interesting, but I'm ready to move my stuff sooner than Cook'Ns developer gets the money and programming done. Besides its the most expensive of all! $79.95. Received a reply from MacGourmet that MC 9.0 files can be imported. So, next I think I'll try the trial versions of both and make a choice. MacGourmet is $49.95; ShopNCook is $59.95. Another possibility would be to get the emulator and stick with MC9.0 if I don't like either of them. |