Baking Soda - Interesting Read
Saw this in a newsletter the other day and thought it was very interesting -

5 Surprising Ways Baking Soda Can Improve Your Cooking

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Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Baking Soda - Interesting Read by cjs (Saw this in a newsle...)
YAY, JEAN!  You've got it back!  I haven't tried a link yet.  I got so used to that feature not working for me in the old forum, it may take a while for that one to click!

What a cool read!  I can't wait to try the shrimp trick especially!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Baking Soda - Interesting Read by cjs (Saw this in a newsle...)
The shrimp....YES!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: RE: Baking Soda - Interesting Read by cjs (The shrimp....YES!...)
I saw something similar in a Chinese cookbook but they just used baking soda and no salt. It's suppose to make the shrimp "bouncy" and the chicken more tender. For shrimp, I just let it sit about 15 min. before making "Bang-Bang Shrimp" and for chicken tenders, I let it sit for 30 min. before doing a stir-fry. Both times, I rinsed and dried the food on paper towels before cooking. All you need is a tsp. or 2 and rub it around the food. It doesn't have to be exact because you are rinsing it off anyway.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: Baking Soda - Interesting Read by cjs (Saw this in a newsle...)
I also read that this is how Chinese restaurant shrimp are different than how I've ever made them and then promptly forgot this trick.  Doh!
  Re: Baking Soda - Interesting Read by cjs (Saw this in a newsle...)
Thanks for the clarification, Maryann!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Baking Soda - Interesting Read by cjs (Saw this in a newsle...)
Thanks for sharing this!

I knew about the tomatoes, but evidently filed it very deeply in my brain.  The shrimp and the ramen were really interesting!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

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