This is fun! Next will be mozzarella. 
I used Michael Chir----- from Napa Style (can't remember how to spell his name) version this time with buttermilk. It has a closer texture to commercial ricotta, and has a softer(?) flavor. Very good. I have a ricotta and shrimp pizza recipe around here somewhere, maybe have to use it on that tonight.
Don't know why I drug my feet for so long making this stuff. You can decide to have something for dinner using ricotta and make it the same day! amazing.
Still looking for some bread recipes using the whey, so maybe today I'll have time to look around.
Oops, forgot to post the recipe. maybe someone will want it
Homemade Ricotta
1 gallon whole milk
1 quart buttermilk
Instant-read or candy thermometer
Cheesecloth or clean muslin -- rinsed
Select a sieve or colander with a wide surface area so the curds will cool quickly. Rinse a large piece of cheesecloth or muslin with cold water, then fold it so that it is 6 or more layers, and arrange it in the sieve or colander placed in the sink.
Pour the milk and buttermilk into a large nonreactive saucepan. Place over high heat and heat, stirring the mixture frequently with a rubber spatula and making sure to cover the whole pan bottom to prevent scorching. Once the mixture is warm, stop stirring. As the milk heats, curds will begin to rise and clump on the surface. As the curds begin to form, gently scrape the bottom of the pan with the spatula to release any stuck curds.
When the mixture reaches 175° to 180ºF, the curds and whey will separate. The whey looks like cloudy water underneath a mass of thick white curds on the surface. Immediately remove the pan from the heat. Working from the side of the pot, gently ladle the whey into the prepared sieve. Go slowly so as not to break up the curds. Finally, ladle the curds into the sieve. Lift the sides of the cloth to help the liquid drain. Resist the temptation to press on the curds. When the draining slows, gather the edges of the cloth, tie them into a bag, and hang the bag from the faucet. Continue to drain until the dripping stops, about 15 minutes.
Untie the bag and pack the ricotta into airtight containers. Refrigerate and use within 1 week.
Michael's Notes: I often make ricotta in winter and use it to fill ravioli for the freezer. Typically, I'll boil the ravioli straight from the freezer, then simmer them briefly in chicken stock with some chard from the garden.
Serving Ideas : My mom usually made ricotta instead of buying it. She would mix it with honey, and we ate it on bread for breakfast. Or she would stuff her ravioli with it. It takes only about half an hour to make. The ricotta curds are very fine, so the cheese must be strained through several layers of cheesecloth or muslin. I strain mine through the same piece of muslin my mom used. Your yield will depend on the butterfat content of the milk you use. You might want to search out extra-rich milk.
After his notes about adding honey (or sugar), I'm thinking maybe the next batch I'll add some sweetner and use for a dessert ravioli.....hmmmmm

I used Michael Chir----- from Napa Style (can't remember how to spell his name) version this time with buttermilk. It has a closer texture to commercial ricotta, and has a softer(?) flavor. Very good. I have a ricotta and shrimp pizza recipe around here somewhere, maybe have to use it on that tonight.
Don't know why I drug my feet for so long making this stuff. You can decide to have something for dinner using ricotta and make it the same day! amazing.
Still looking for some bread recipes using the whey, so maybe today I'll have time to look around.
Oops, forgot to post the recipe. maybe someone will want it
Homemade Ricotta
1 gallon whole milk
1 quart buttermilk
Instant-read or candy thermometer
Cheesecloth or clean muslin -- rinsed
Select a sieve or colander with a wide surface area so the curds will cool quickly. Rinse a large piece of cheesecloth or muslin with cold water, then fold it so that it is 6 or more layers, and arrange it in the sieve or colander placed in the sink.
Pour the milk and buttermilk into a large nonreactive saucepan. Place over high heat and heat, stirring the mixture frequently with a rubber spatula and making sure to cover the whole pan bottom to prevent scorching. Once the mixture is warm, stop stirring. As the milk heats, curds will begin to rise and clump on the surface. As the curds begin to form, gently scrape the bottom of the pan with the spatula to release any stuck curds.
When the mixture reaches 175° to 180ºF, the curds and whey will separate. The whey looks like cloudy water underneath a mass of thick white curds on the surface. Immediately remove the pan from the heat. Working from the side of the pot, gently ladle the whey into the prepared sieve. Go slowly so as not to break up the curds. Finally, ladle the curds into the sieve. Lift the sides of the cloth to help the liquid drain. Resist the temptation to press on the curds. When the draining slows, gather the edges of the cloth, tie them into a bag, and hang the bag from the faucet. Continue to drain until the dripping stops, about 15 minutes.
Untie the bag and pack the ricotta into airtight containers. Refrigerate and use within 1 week.
Michael's Notes: I often make ricotta in winter and use it to fill ravioli for the freezer. Typically, I'll boil the ravioli straight from the freezer, then simmer them briefly in chicken stock with some chard from the garden.
Serving Ideas : My mom usually made ricotta instead of buying it. She would mix it with honey, and we ate it on bread for breakfast. Or she would stuff her ravioli with it. It takes only about half an hour to make. The ricotta curds are very fine, so the cheese must be strained through several layers of cheesecloth or muslin. I strain mine through the same piece of muslin my mom used. Your yield will depend on the butterfat content of the milk you use. You might want to search out extra-rich milk.
After his notes about adding honey (or sugar), I'm thinking maybe the next batch I'll add some sweetner and use for a dessert ravioli.....hmmmmm

Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.