When I was managing the Island we did, as most of you know, a lot of entertaining. This trip out to CA is exciting because we are taking a lot of our "entertaining" stuff because we know we'll be doing a lot more entertaining there.

But now Bob and I come to a disagreement. Should the chocolate fountain go into storage or go with us???? I just know you'll make the right decision.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Store it or take it??? Harborwitch When I was managing ...

  Re: Store it or take it??? HomeCulinarian Storage....

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Store it or take it??? Mare749 Storage....

Bring a fondue pot with forks. You can do a chocolate fondue.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.
  Re: Store it or take it??? Mare749 Storage....
I assume you want us all to say take it with you, but I have to agree with the others here, in fact, I think you should sell it on ebay. I have never understood the love for that silly contraption. Sorry, Sharon dear. I do love you.

Everything tastes better Alfresco!
  Re: Store it or take it??? Mare749 Storage....


"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".

  Re: Store it or take it??? Old Bay [blockquote]Quote:[h...

When we were visiting our daughter's campground a few weeks ago, there were several people who had card tables set up in front of their camp site with things for sale that they no longer wanted. At first I thought it was a little tacky for such a nice campground to allow this, but after walking around for a while and visiting with people, it was kind of fun.

So, I guess you could always do that if you find that the fountain isn't getting enough use...

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: Store it or take it??? Old Bay [blockquote]Quote:[h...
Laura has a good point. Store it for a few months and if you find that you never did need it, sell it. But don't drag it with you. Yet.

my cooking adventures

  Re: Store it or take it??? foodfiend Laura has a good poi...
Storage. I have problem with single use items - although I do own a few . A microwave and a bowl and you can have some great fondu chocolate! Or get fancy and do it the right way.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.
  Store it or take it??? Harborwitch When I was managing ...
Well I know that when you are organizing and paring things down it can be difficult to get rid of things. I have heard that you need to catagorize it into one of three catagories: Do you love it? Does it give you joy? Do you need it?

Now I didn't say it has to fall into all three catagories, just one. I say, do exactly what you want to do. Sounds like it would make you have to have it. So keep it for a while, if you don't use it, sell it on ebay or store it. Heck, send it to me, I will store it for you!
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
Store it or take it???

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