Mantou is a chinese word for Steamed Bun. Its soft, light and fluffy and often steamed without any fillings or with fillings. With fillings will be the most common ones we find in Dim sum restaurants : Char Siu Pao or Roast Meat Buns.

At home, my family loves it plain, but stuffed with stewed meats. You can eat this dipped into curries..yums!

Here's the photo of the mantou with Kong Bak. :yum:
[Image: kongbakPau.jpg]

Here's my recipe for it.

Makes 24 pieces
250ml water
500g hong kong flour(low gluten flour, or All Purpose flour)*
100g fine sugar
1 tbsp instant yeast
1.5 tbsp Double Action Baking powder

2 tbsp vegetable shortening

1. In a mixing bowl, add water, followed by flour and the rest of the ingredients, except Shortening
2. Using a hook paddle, turn on the mixer to knead for 5 mins or until dough forms and leaves the sides of the bowl.
3. Remove mixer bowl and cover the bowl to proof in a warm place for 30 minutes.
4. When the dough has risen, double in size, remove and knead/roll on a floured table(flour it with HK Flour)
5. Cut into rounds, spread a little shortening on top, fold into half and set aside to proof for another 15 minutes.

[Image: MantouProof.jpg]

6. Then heat up a steamer, add the mantou on it and steam on high for 5 minutes. Remove when its done.
[Image: steamedMT.jpg]

7. Best to keep inside a ziplock bag to prevent it from drying out.

Flour : Hong Kong flour in Asia is sometimes called Pao Flour. Use for making pao. Its Bleached white flour, low gluten. If you are unable to get it, then substitute it with All Purpose flour. Texture with All purpose flour will be a bit more 'tough' and off white. With HK Flour, the pao is Snow white in colour.

Double Action Baking Powder: if unable to find that, just x2 of normal Baking powder.

You can make all, steamed all to keep in the fridge, in a bag.
Steamed again for about 5 mins to eat with stewed pork.

If you freeze the mantou, make sure you packed it tightly. It can last for months in the freezer. Just thaw in room temperature and steamed.
People Learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron. Proverbs 27:17 New Internationl Version, Bible


  Half moon Mantou Gina_Choong Mantou is a chinese ...
Those look so good, Gina! We buy steamed buns all the time from the Asian market we go to, but they look more like they are "baked" with a golden brown color and a light glaze. Then, they are filled with a bit of black beans or red pork. What is the real name for those, or are they basically the same recipe?

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Half moon Mantou Mare749 Those look so good, ...
yes, same recipe but baked.
People Learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron. Proverbs 27:17 New Internationl Version, Bible


  Re: Half moon Mantou Gina_Choong yes, same recipe but...
Gina, you really should have joined in June so that I could have more time to try this...LOL! Copied and saved. I'm planning on making the pork, so I MAY try the "buns" then also....they sound so YUMMMY!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Half moon Mantou Gina_Choong Mantou is a chinese ...
WOW Those look so good - next time I make the pork belly these will be on hand to go with it. Thanks so much.

Would a cake or pastry flour work - very low gluten and very soft.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Half moon Mantou Harborwitch WOW Those look so g...
Gina, always a star! This looks like a wonderful dish.

I can't log on as Half Baked but my name is changed to Ennui.

Jan (aka Half Baked)
Half moon Mantou

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