What's on everyone's menus?

We're going down the hill to wish folks a happy holiday - glass of wine at one restaurant, on to dinner at another one. Maybe after dinner drink at a third. Whew, what we do for our friends.....Sure as 'heck' there won't be room for the chocolate/vanilla bowl of ice cream from Dairy Queen,too!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30? cjs What's on everyone's...
Going out for dinner again tonight, this time with my daughters. They want Thai food.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30? cjs What's on everyone's...
Yesterday Aaron Sanchez was on the Today show. Bob and I absolutely love him, and his Mother is also an amazing Chef.

He did the most amazing enchiladas - that I'm going to fuss with a bit - using ground turkey seasoned like chorizo. We were both drooling over these enchiladas. These will be our dinner tonight - with a nice salad! I might bake a few chips - we got some wonderful hot salsa from a new Mexican restaurant in town - sweet, hot, smoky!!! I think we might invite Francois over for dinner!

Recipe: Winter enchiladas
Aaron Sanchez
For the sauce:
• 2 ounces butter
• 5 tablespoons flour
• 2 cups beef broth
• 4 tablespoons chili powder
• 1 teaspoon cumin
• 2 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• Pinch nutmeg
• 1 teaspoon brown sugar
• 1/2 cup Crema Mexicana

For the filling:
• 10 ounces chorizo (pork or beef)
• 1 small butternut squash or 1 16-ounce bag frozen butternut squash, cooked as per package instructions
• For the topping:
• 12-16 corn tortillas
• 1/2 package (5 ounces) Queso Quesadilla, shredded
To make the sauce:
Melt butter in saucepan and whisk in flour. Cook for 2 minutes on medium heat, stirring constantly. Slowly whisk in the broth. Add remaining ingredients, except Crema Mexicana, and whisk thoroughly. Bring to a slight boil and remove from heat. Let cool, then mix in Crema Mexicana.
To make the filling:
Cook chorizo according to package instructions and drain well. Set aside. Split squash in half, remove seeds, poke holes in surface, and bake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes. Allow to cool, then scoop out tender flesh and mash. Add cooled chorizo.
Lightly coat bottom of a baking dish with sauce. Scoop filling into tortillas, roll and place in baking pan. Cover the tops of the enchiladas with sauce and top with shredded Queso Quesadilla. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F for 15-20 minutes, or until cheese is browned.
Serving Size
Serves 4-6 people. Prep time: 1 hour; cook time: 30 minutes.

Now - don't those sound so good! Almost said "smell"!

You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30? Harborwitch Yesterday Aaron Sanc...
Chicken parm, side of pasta and a romaine salad.

  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30? Trixxee Chicken parm, side o...
That sounds good Sharon, I saw that show yesterday and was intrigued by the dish. You will have to give us a review.

BTW Jean's comment about DQ reminded me that you can get a fresh pint or quart of their soft-serve togo! Then you just stick it in the freezer for consumption later. Reasonable price too. I haven't done that in a long while, now I will have to put that on my To Do list.

Not sure what I will make for dinner. I just made 50 bottles of Grandma Behrendt's Seasoned Salt and Pepper. It's the holidays, ya know. I am kinda beat. I guess I will have a cup of coffee and pray for a boost of motivation and inspiration. I have been up since 4:30 a.m. Maybe I will have time for a cat nap.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30? luvnit That sounds good Sha...
Lentil stew, with red lentils and veggies and some chicken sausage in the crockpot. Accompanied with homemade Naan. Think I might have to kick up the spice a notch.
Empress for Life
  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30? luvnit That sounds good Sha...
I'll let you know how they are!

I wish there was a DQ closer. We really got to like the one in ND. I'll have to look around and see if there's one anywhere we shop.

Sounds like you need to go take a nap. Then coffee.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30? Harborwitch I'll let you know ho...
I have a bit of ham leftover so I am making kase spatzle........will Jean ever know how wonderful this is?..........and a salad on the side. It's a rainy day here and I have a cat I must capture and take to the vet. An easy comfort meal will be good.

Sharon, are you feeling better? I hope so. And Daphne too. Being sick is no fun.

Everything tastes better Alfresco!
  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30? Harborwitch I'll let you know ho...
Why I'm going out to dinner........

[Image: CIMG0143.jpg]

That will be cornbread!!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30? cjs Why I'm going out to...
Laura, if you put the soft DQ ice cream in the freezer, does it stay fairly soft?? Is this a stupid question??

"........will Jean ever know how wonderful this is?.........." Oh crap - I'll have to bring Roy to your house, looks like.

Sharon, those do sound good.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
What's for Dinner - Tuesday, 11/30?

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