Whew, I wished you a happy b'day over on facebook and completely forgot to come here and add to it!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ERIN! Have a great day and I hope NO ONE is sick in your house toady.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Happy Birthday, Erin!!! cjs Whew, I wished you a...
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you are well AND you have sunshine today

  Re: Happy Birthday, Erin!!! DFen911 Happy Birthday!!! Ho...
Happy Birthday Erin! I hope it's a perfect day for you, full of happiness, great food, and all the people you love!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Happy Birthday, Erin!!! Harborwitch Happy Birthday Erin!...
Happy Birthday, Erin! I hope you have a great day, and year.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.

  Re: Happy Birthday, Erin!!! Lorraine Happy Birthday, Erin...
Happy Birthday! Let the pampering begin!

  Re: Happy Birthday, Erin!!! HomeCulinarian Happy Birthday! Let...
Do I hear music?

[Image: hbtoyouanimalband.gif]

If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: Happy Birthday, Erin!!! labradors Do I hear music?[br]...
The Band's here! Let's have a party!

[Image: party2-1.gif]

Happy Birthday, to you!
Happy Birthday, to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Erin!
Happy Birthday, to you!

Erin, I hope you had a great day! Be sure to let us know what you did special for dinner tonight. Hopefully, someone else is cooking a great meal for you!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Happy Birthday, Erin!!! Gourmet_Mom The Band's here! Le...
Thank you for all the Birthday Wishes!

Steve had to fly early this morning. At 7:15 my morning started off with Stephanie bringing me breakfast in bed: a bowl of yogurt, a banana and a pop tart. (I ate the yogurt and half a banana)

For lunch I got a cake. The kids have been in cahoots with my MIL for the last two weeks, buying gifts (a new flash light and a cactus plant - I'm alergic to flowers ) And baking a cake. I guess at some point the top layer slid off. But it was back on by the time it came to me. White cake, white frosting, apricot preserves in the middle and dried appricots and orange and yellow spinkles on top. I have eaten my piece and about to go into sugar overload. But it is the sweetest cake anyone has ever made me!

Tonight is a gym night so no mutch fancy going on here. A grilled steak and roasted asparagus for dinner. For my present to myself I took the day off from teaching and finished my book - The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. I think I have been reading it for a MONTH. So glad to be done, and I enjoyed it.

Thank you all again for the wonderful Birthday wishes!
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Happy Birthday, Erin!!! esgunn Thank you for all th...
Sorry I'm late, Erin. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! It sure sounded nice. You have the best kids!

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: Happy Birthday, Erin!!! esgunn Thank you for all th...
Happy Happy Day, Erin! Sounds like you had a great day. Isn't it wonderful to be given the gift of time to read when you have three-of course, mine weren't all the same age, just a year apart, I remember those days!

Have a great night.

Happy Birthday, Erin!!!

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