The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil

By Tom Mueller

I just read this book and it is really scary to learn of the corruption that is so very widespread in this industry. The producers, for the most part, add extra ingredients (different oils) to increase volume and to keep the profit margins high. Many court cases have been brought forward but very few convictions and/or penalties are handed down. It is a HUGE fraudulent practice---worldwide. If you love olive oil, the extra virgin variety, be very careful if you think that expensive item that you are buying is really what the label says it is.
Apparently, olive oil tasting bars are popping up all over the world and there are several in California. The CIA is giving classes around the tasting, development and intricacies of bad vs. excellent oils. It seems to be a trend for more and more chefs to attend these classes for use in their exquisite creations. Meals are developed around the oil NOT around the food.

One must be very passionate with respect to cultivating and producing this exquisite product. It is not an easy crop and the profit margins are negligible if the end product is really EXTRA VIRGIN.

Mr Mueller was interviewed here on a local talk radio program . He is an American but lives in Italy and has been following the trails of olive oil production for many years....exposing the fraudulent activities of the greedy and corrupt.
Interesting read but can be a bit repetitive.
BTW....the olive oil I sent to Barbara is REAL......according to Tom!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Book review--subject is olive oil Roxanne 21 EXTRA VIRGINITY [br]...
Very interesting Roxanne. I have actually wondered about that topic myself. Especially when I go to the store and see what is titled 'Lite Olive Oil', I just think, "What did they do, add a little canola? I can do that myself."

We do have several olive oil tasting bars / balsamic vinegar bars around town. It is pretty popular these days.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: Book review--subject is olive oil luvnit Very interesting Rox...
On this trip we are really becoming aware of the differences in the olive oil process and the olive growing as well. So far we have stopped at 4 olive oil 'plants' and by far the best was in Modesto, CA - all of them were a variety of goodness.

The place we went to in Austin was probably the least flavorful. All that I tasted were a bit bitter and did not buy a single one.

Interestng read, thanks Roxanne.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Book review--subject is olive oil Roxanne 21 EXTRA VIRGINITY [br]...
Wow Roxanne! That's a real eye opener! And I can't thank you enough for the olive oil, it was definitely something I've never tasted before and now I know why.

I wonder when I get back to the Italian Market or Reading Terminal in Philly if I can find genuine Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Something to keep my eyes open for.

You see, if anyone was to visit Philly and look me up, you might actually eventually see Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell as well as the Art Museum with the Rocky statue and the new Barnes Museum (or whatever they're calling it for now), but I have lots of food places to get you to beforehand!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.

  Re: Book review--subject is olive oil BarbaraS Wow Roxanne! That's...
Barbara, you are so on my list! but, I know we won't get to your area this trip. But, next fall, watch out!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Book review--subject is olive oil cjs Barbara, you are so ...

Barbara, you are so on my list! but, I know we won't get to your area this trip. But, next fall, watch out!

This fall? This year?!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.

  Re: Book review--subject is olive oil BarbaraS [blockquote]Quote:[h...
Yes, we'll be taking off again late summer-early fall of 2013.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
Book review--subject is olive oil

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