What's on the menu for today for everyone?

May be a change of pklans for us. We had planned on staying in Medford with the kids until Saturday a.m., but there is a large stormm coming in Friday/Sat and we want to get over the pass before that. So, we may leave this morining instead.

The worst part is grandson Jimmy (the little ole pizza maker) was making his 'famous' (or infamous ) spaghetti dinner!!! We'll probably have to wait until we come back thru.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13?? cjs What's on the menu f...
What shame that you will have to miss a great spaghetti dinner. Wise choice though.

Dinner tonight will be some l/o babyback ribs, a baked potato and green beans.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13?? cjs What's on the menu f...
I completely understand. The mountains are bad enough clear - a big storm is no fun! Been there, done that, getting caught unexpected was NO fun. Be safe - the spaghetti dinner will still be there when you go home.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13?? Harborwitch I completely underst...
Well back to original plans. He (as Lorraine would say ) says we can wait for Friday a.m. and beat the storm. So, spaghetti dinner back on AND grandson showed me a Pillsbury "cheap thrills" idea for bacon cinnamon rolls that had us all drooling last night, so I think I'll make them for dessert tonight, too.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13?? cjs Well back to origina...
I'm jealous. What could be better than a spaghetti dinner and cinnamon rolls. Wow.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13?? Mare749 I'm jealous. What co...
Bacon cinnamon rolls? That sounds so wrong and so good.

Tonight I'm making the mini meatball lasagna, except I'm not going to make the meatballs, just gonna sauté the meat mixture.

  Re: Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13?? losblanos1 Bacon cinnamon rolls...
I either saw these on facebook or on pinterest... I made them a few months ago.

[Image: bcr2.jpg]

They were better in theory. But it is such a compelling recipe, you MUST give it a try.

[Image: bcr3.jpg]

These pics are from a blog: http://www.victoriouschristianwoman.com/...rolls.html
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13?? luvnit I either saw these o...
I'm glad you get to stay for grandson's special dinner, Jean!

Tonight we are having steak night! The kids won't be here until late.
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13?? luvnit I either saw these o...
Bacon cinnamon rolls....hmmm, I love both, but my bacon has to be crispy, so wrapped in a roll wouldn't make me happy. However, I think adding some maple flavor with crumbled bacon on top could be amazing.....sounds like some pondering and experimenting!!

We're having chicken enchiladas with a poblano cream sauce. I'm not sure why I decided that trying a relatively involved recipe on a conference day was a good idea, but I did. Dinner's going to be late.

  Re: Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13?? karyn Bacon cinnamon rolls...
William used to sprinkle sugar on the bacon as soon as it came out of the oven....YUM! Crispy, salty, and a little sweet!
Keep your mind wide open.
Thursday's Dinner, 11/14/13??

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