With my back issues and the lack of space in the motor home I decided that I needed a new hobby. Okay - Bob's cousin Donna hooked me when she drug me (kicking and screaming - NOT) into a bead shop in CA. I had a project in mind, a beautiful jade necklace that Bob gave me which needed restringing.
[Image: IMG_8318_edited-1_zps76aa73b8.jpg]" />

I just got a little carried away . . . I found some pretty beads at JoAnn's. Then I ordered some stuff on line, including a beautiful moss agate "focal". The colors are mossy green, turquoise beads and a peachy pink with copper findings.

[Image: mossagate_zps7a699d80.jpg]" />

Oh Oh! Now we're in trouble . . .

[Image: beachy_zpse62c6765.jpg]" />

I needed something pink . . . and fun, and some earrings.

[Image: beachyankletampfish_zps32179a37.jpg]" />

Two more in the works - then on to gift making. Bob is really tickled about it . . . and indulges me. We're excited for the days when I can be back cooking all the time - but just waiting for my back and my hours to cooperate.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  A new way to amuse myself! Harborwitch With my back issues ...
How fun for you - you do need a second hobby to keep the mind/body happy!!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: A new way to amuse myself! cjs How fun for you - yo...
Sharon, that's great that you found a hobby that you are excited about! I was into jewelry making for a few years myself and it's a lot of fun, especially when you accumulate a good supply of beads, etc. If you have a Michaels nearby, they have a 40% off coupon every week that you can print out from their website. Hobby Lobby has one also.

Have fun!


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: A new way to amuse myself! Mare749 Sharon, that's great...
It's great fun Maryann. We are getting a JoAnn's in October - but right now I'm mail ordering from a wholesale supplier. The beads etc are really reasonable (about 1/2 the stores) and $5 shipping isn't too bad.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: A new way to amuse myself! Harborwitch It's great fun Marya...
Sharon, I recently got back into drawing and took up a hobby myself called zentangle. It's basically doodling and there are lots of books on the subject. It's like yoga for the brain.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: A new way to amuse myself! Mare749 Sharon, I recently g...
Sounds interesting Maryann.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: A new way to amuse myself! cjs Sounds interesting M...
I sense someone's going to be creating a new Etsy account

Beautiful work Sharon!

  Re: A new way to amuse myself! DFen911 I sense someone's go...
That does sound interesting Maryann.

Thank you Denise. Etsy could be in the future. I have so much to learn . . . and I've got some projects and gifts to finish - then on to making stuff for sale.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: A new way to amuse myself! Harborwitch That does sound inte...
Very pretty Sharon! Have fun!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: A new way to amuse myself! Gourmet_Mom Very pretty Sharon! ...
They are pretty, Sharon. It's hard to find the time to make them for sale though. By the time you finish gifts for all your family and friends, you may not have much left even for yourself. If you are able to accumulate some stock, would the campground owners let you sell it on the premises?

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
A new way to amuse myself!

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