...where we were.

I was watching the news and it wasn't long before my Vietnamese Chef instructor, Chef Bui, called to tell me we would not be meeting for class that day.

He was just beside himself that something like this could happen in his adopted beautiful country. I think I was just numb for almost a week, as most of us were.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  9/11 - Another Day We All Remember... cjs ...where we were. [b...
We were getting ready for work/day care drop off (Michael was 2) and I put the news on and could not figure out what was going on. I thought two small planes accidentally hit the buildings. Of course when we figured it out we were aghast. I don't know how I even drove to work that morning. When I handed Michael over to his beloved sitter I literally could not say one word or else I would have lost it in front of the children.

The sadness was indescribable.
  9/11 - Another Day We All Remember... cjs ...where we were. [b...
Watching the morning news with Charles Gibson and Dianne Sawyer. When the 2nd plane hit the tower, Charie said "My God we are under attack". No truer words were ever spoken. And it continues. When that religion enters a war it will not end until they analiate themselves, or someone else sends them all to allah where they can be happy. Pity.

"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".

  Re: 9/11 - Another Day We All Remember... Old Bay Watching the morning...
Like so many others, I was at work. Completely numb, deeply saddened by what happened and frightened by what this would mean for our country.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: 9/11 - Another Day We All Remember... Mare749 Like so many others,...
I was in my apartment in Orlando and hadn't seen or heard about it yet. My father called and said that someone had flown a plane into the World Trade Center. Since he didn't sound particularly distressed and because he was always reading books by Tom Clancy, and the like, I thought he was talking about the latest book he had read.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: 9/11 - Another Day We All Remember... labradors I was in my apartmen...
Picky and I were on the couch watching TV. It was my day off from the nuclear power plant (I ran the GOB kitchen there). When I went back to work the next day, things were very different indeed. Locked down one gate entirely (the one that was never manned) and the other is now always manned. I was amazed that my teenagers knew before I did who was behind it. Either yay for their history teachers (wonderful!) or the internet for my history obsessed boys. Eerie day. 2 of my customers lost their parents that day, in the first tower.

Another sad thought, I mentioned to a student worker today that this was the anniversary of this tragedy. Being very young at the time, she has very little memory of it (understandably so) but also no sense of the urgency of the situation and how it's led to events today.. Vietnam and WW2 also draw the same confused (and I have to say it) blank looks on their faces. Things are very different now, I know, but in my college prep classes, I had to take a year of civic history, one of world, one of US and one of advanced, which covered all recent world events. Another of my students had an aunt living in Manhattan at the time, so she has been on top of it all, even though she was young as well. Maybe there needs to be something that connects you.

My students are wonderful, great workers and I appreciate them immensely! I will just have to talk about more than food

  Re: 9/11 - Another Day We All Remember... pjcooks Picky and I were on ...
What an interesting thread to hear about where we all were on that day. Thanks for remembering with me.

P.J., I was in my early 30s one day talking to my younger co-workers and something about the Korean Conflict came up and none of them knew anything about it. I remember feeling so old that day and I only remembered it because I had a step-brother over there.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: 9/11 - Another Day We All Remember... cjs What an interesting ...
I was teaching my fourth graders, when a parent came to drop off her child. She had heard it over the radio on the way. I ran for my computer and stayed glued there all day. But I did take a moment to run to the office to make sure they knew. My principle already had the tv on as we both watched in horror as the second plane hit. It was a grim day.

As a side note, we were watching the first anniversary when we got the call from the radiologist about William's brain tumor. A double whammy for us every year.
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: 9/11 - Another Day We All Remember... Gourmet_Mom I was teaching my fo...
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
9/11 - Another Day We All Remember...

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