While I was in New Zealand with Dale we went to a birthday party and one of the desserts was a fairly thin gingery cookie thingie filled with a cream/custard type thingie. The cookie looked like it had been wrapped around a wooden spoon handle or something so it was a hollow circle. Has anyone had any experience making something like this? If you have, I would surely love to have the recipe. Dale, what was that lemony bar type thingie we had at the airport? Do you remember? Seems we found a recipe, but I can't remember the name and Carol isn't home.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Ginger Snaps bjcotton While I was in New Z...
Okay, I remembered we found the Rolled Ginger Snaps in Larousse Gastronomique [which Dale gave me for Christmas .. thank you again Sweetie]. Now all I need is the cream filling. Here is the recipe for the Ginger Snaps:

* Exported from MasterCook *

Rolled Ginger Snaps

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 0 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : A List Cakes-Pies-Cookies

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1/2 cup butter, 4 ounces
1/2 cup sugar, 4 ounces
1/4 cup golden corn syrup, 4 ounces
1 cup all-purpose flour, 4 ounces
1 teaspoon ground ginger

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Melt the butter with the sugar. Stir in the syrup, flour, and ground ginger. Mix well.

Ladle the mixture in small heaps, very well spaced, on to a baking sheet. Place in the preheated oven and bake for 7-8 minutes.

Take the cookies out of the oven and wrap each one round a wooden spoon handle, pressing them together where they join so that they do not unroll.

"Larousse Gastronomique, pg 115"
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Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: Ginger Snaps bjcotton Okay, I remembered w...
Whipped cream with a touch of brandy---piece of cake---I haven't made these is a dog's age--thanks for the reminder. They are fun to make but I suggest that you do not bake more than 3-4 at a time---otherwise the snaps get difficult to work with the rolling--if that happens though just put back in the oven for a few seconds to make them malleable again. These are great served with some oranges in a syrup mixture---yeah, I know, allergic to citrus. But others may keep this in mind.

I'll drum up the recipe if anyone is interested.
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  Re: Ginger Snaps bjcotton Okay, I remembered w...
I made these for my Mom today. I filled them with whipped cream to which I added some chopped "Intense Orange" deep chocolate squares that my son gave me (I think they are made by Lindt)

Really good, thanks for the recipe.


  Re: Ginger Snaps pjcooks I made these for my ...
Hmmmm, I think I'll make them when I get up to my sis' house in Portland. That means I'll have to take a bunch of things with me. Did you pipe the whipped cream into them? Lacking the chocolate, I'll take some kind of flavoring with me.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: Ginger Snaps bjcotton Hmmmm, I think I'll ...
I did pipe it in, Billy. I also made them a bit bigger, more like a mini cannoli. I really wanted to put a lemon filling in these (love ginger and lemon) but I didn't have any lemons, so I worked with what I had. Anything that will work with ginger would be great here.


  Re: Ginger Snaps pjcooks I did pipe it in, Bi...
That's what I was thinking of, lemon and ginger. I wanted something different than whipped cream, something with more stability. I would probably make them during the day and then serve them in the evening. Guess I need to get a real piping bag huh? I've just got a little cheapy from the grocery store.

Any ideas for a lemon custard or something similar? Maybe a custard might be too wet, I don't know since I've never made one for this purpose.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Ginger Snaps bjcotton While I was in New Z...
I don't remember the recipe Billy, Carol may have come up with one. If not, I will return to the VARIOUS eDMUNDS BOOKS (oops) I have. Have you got a recipe for Louisa Slice, I think Fredia might like that, it has a berry filling. The following is an easy slice for her.
1 cup s/r flour
1 tblespn cocoa
1 cup cornflakes
1 cup coconut
.5 cup sugar
5 oz butter
1 dessert sp. golden syrup

sift the stuff you can. melt butter & G.S. Add all dry ingredients together, pour in melted stuff, mix and press into a swiss roll tin. Bake 350F 20 - 30 mins. cut when cooler. Ice with choc icing and sprinkle with coconut. It will crispen as it goes cold.

Will post ginger snap and ginger basket recipe when I find it. I will post some ginger snaps too, just for fun.
I pipe in unsweetened cream with brandy whipped in.

  Re: Ginger Snaps vannin I don't remember the...
Jolly good Billy. Filling is the fun part. Pipeable custard, cream, sweetened or not, vanilla, liquours, hide things in the middle, like berries or purees, and plug the exits with custard or cream. Fill with mousse various, add chocky chopped, make the same mixture and hang over cups or little bowls to make baskets and fill with watever you heart desires, fruit, custard, creams, ice cream with various fruit purees, I fill the snaps from each end with a star thingy so you get a 'kiss' at each end.

  Re: Ginger Snaps vannin Jolly good Billy. F...
I can't remember what the filling tasted like, but that ginger snap was positively sinful.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

Ginger Snaps

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