Let me preface this by saying it's probably a silly question, but I haven't really had a lot of experience with assembling dishes ahead of time for a dinner party.

I'm having some of my family over the Saturday of T-Day weekend and I'm thinking of doing an Italian theme. Caprese Salad, Stuffed Shells, Chicken w/Proscuitto, Asiago Cheese and a Wine-Sage Sauce, Asparagus w/Gremolata Butter, Garlic Bread.

Can I assemble the stuffed shells the day before and then just pop the casserole dish in the oven the day of the dinner? Thanks for any advice!

  Can I Make This Ahead of Time? Trixxee Let me preface this ...
Stuffed shells can be made in advance, just pull them at al dente and stuff.
Chef de Cuisine
The Cowboy and The Rose Catering

USMC Sgt 1979-1985
  Can I Make This Ahead of Time? Trixxee Let me preface this ...
Trixxee, NO question is EVER silly!!!!

Yes, you can do the shells the day before. Remember, tho, do NOT fully cook them. When you boil them, leave them at UNDER al dente, despite what the package may say. (For example, if the directions say to cook them for 12 minutes, stop at the 8 or 9 min mark. Remove from stove, drain and rinse in cold water to STOP further cooking. Lay them out on a parchment or foil lined baking sheet (don't use wax paper -- when it gets wet it breaks down and you'll have a mess. Lay them out without touching one another. When cool, go ahead and stuff them, lay them in your casserole putting some sauce on the bottom first and then on top when you have them all in there. Cover tightly and refrig. Take them out of the frig about 20-30 min prior to placing in the hot oven, especially if you are using a glass casserole. Bake, but remember, you are now baking COLD stuffed shells so you will have to add some baking time on to them!

Your other menu items are a bit vague to comment on, depending on how you are making things....

Depending on how you make your garlic bread, you can do that ahead, too.

Caprese Salad, I'd wait on that one. You want to serve that at room temp anyway.

Chicken with Prosciutto, Asiago, etc....are you stuffing the chicken? or wraping the prosciutto around it?

Your asparagus...have that cleaned and ready to go the day of...
Vive Bene! Spesso L'Amore! Di Risata Molto!

Buon Appetito!

  Can I Make This Ahead of Time? Trixxee Let me preface this ...
AND give us your address so we can join you Trixxee
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: Can I Make This Ahead of Time? bjcotton AND give us your add...
I'll just be making the shells in advance (I probably wasn't super clear on my question!). Between my husband and I, we can whip out the rest of the stuff the day of and I'll do what I can that morning - grate the asiago, pound the chicken, trim the asparagus, etc.

Thanks for the help. You guys are invaluable.

bjcotton - can you be here around 2:00pm on 11/24? It would only be a short plane ride away! There will be lots of wine. *smile*

  Re: Can I Make This Ahead of Time? Trixxee I'll just be making ...
Whoopee! I could visit all my S. California friends then
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: Can I Make This Ahead of Time? bjcotton Whoopee! I could vi...
Hey I'm the only one who's actually only about an hour away

Come Billy! Get yer buns down here and I'll drive!
  Re: Can I Make This Ahead of Time? bjcotton AND give us your add...
You will be picking me up on your way - won't you???
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  Can I Make This Ahead of Time? Trixxee Let me preface this ...
Absolutley, I did it for my husband's surprise birthday party a couple of weeks ago. Although I assembled the dish ahead of time and baked them the day of the dinner party, just like lasagna, I think stuff shells are better twice baked. The re-heated leftovers were even better than the first servings.

Happy Cooking,

  Re: Can I Make This Ahead of Time? LuvFud Absolutley, I did it...
I freeze the filled, cooked shells. Thaw in fridge, they heat well.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
Can I Make This Ahead of Time?

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