Now is when we're all up against the wall - all the food we had this past weekend!! What to do, what to do. I can't even start in on the Superbowl leftovers - the chili beef from the Chili Beef Tacos (very good by the way ), the pulled pork, lots of that - until I do something with the salmon and sauces left.

So, guess tonight will be Salmon Croquettes, l/o sauteed bok choy/cabbage.

Tomorrow I'll worry about the others - but, something will have to go in the freezer, Roy's leaving Wed. a.m. for So. California.

What are you all going to do with l/os??
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  All The Cooking/All The LEFTOVERS!! cjs Now is when we're al...
Pulled pork is works great in the freezer - good in chili or enchiladas - or repeat in sandwiches. They all sound so good.

I only have left over pizza, and we are polishing that off for lunch. I think I did ok on my first attempt at home made pizza. Needs some finessing on my rolling, transfering technique (actually I didn't roll it, but pulled and patted it - still needs lots of practice), and I didn't have all the right cheese, but the kids enjoyed it.

Canadian bacon and pinapple
[Image: DSCN3512.jpg]

Cheeseburger pizza
[Image: DSCN3515.jpg]
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: All The Cooking/All The LEFTOVERS!! esgunn Pulled pork is works...
They look pretty good to me, Erin! My kids are getting into making their own pizza. (note to self: remember that at Christmas)

We're finishing our supper from last night, only half of the menu made it on the table, Picky was full of shrimp cocktail, lobster bisque and lobster salad rolls. Tonight I'll cook the filets and make a red wine sauce, with thyme butter green beans and rolls-guess I better go make rolls


  Re: All The Cooking/All The LEFTOVERS!! pjcooks They look pretty goo...
Hey, those pizzas are lookin' very good!! I'm glad you push/pat instead of roll your dough. We ought to take a poll on this and see what everyone does....I'm off.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: All The Cooking/All The LEFTOVERS!! cjs Hey, those pizzas ar...
Your pizzas look great, Erin! Did you use Jean's dough recipe? It's the only one I use now. This past summer I finally learned how to grill it outside on the gas grill. The family is really spoiled now.

Okay, so about those leftovers. Well, we just divided them up so everyone had some to take home and we were all pretty happy with that. Gave us kind of a repeat smorgesborg (sp?) tonight.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: All The Cooking/All The LEFTOVERS!! Mare749 Your pizzas look gre...
Erin, I think your pizzas look GREAT! I know the kids loved them. Did they help?

Since it was just us, I fixed a regular dinner last night. I'm working on cooking "small" and am doing pretty well. With YS still at home and a need for a serving for tomorrow's lunch at school for me, I can at least cook for 4...nice step down from 7 or 8. Last night, there were NO leftovers except Caesar salad, and YS polished that off for a snack today. Tonight there were only 3 potato cakes and one piece of quiche left after I made my lunch...just enough for the boys to have a snack tomorrow afternoon. I'm getting better at this I think...LOL! Now to work on DH's habit of having a dinner sized snack...LOL!
Keep your mind wide open.
All The Cooking/All The LEFTOVERS!!

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