Alright already...we have GOT to put together a review....

I, for one, need the pressure to put together a dinner to "spark" my culinary "juices"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I'm behind on the reviews, but the forum seems to need a "boost"!

What say you...who's up?

If nobody jumps in, I'm tempted to challlenge everybody to a Dim Sum challenge...LOL! I WILL do this before summer is over!

OKAY....gauntlet is there...
Keep your mind wide open.

  New Review... Gourmet_Mom Alright already...we...
Dim Sum, Dim Sum,Dim Sum!!!!! Go, Go, Team Dim Sum!!!
I don't do Dim Sum, But I will be your cheerleader!!
Go Team!!!
"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".

  Re: New Review... Old Bay Dim Sum, Dim Sum,Dim...
Go for it!! (I've been hesitant to nag about the dinners again... )
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: New Review... cjs Go for it!! (I've be...
Oh I've been wanting to do the Dim Sum too. Gonna go pull that issue now and read it again. Due date? Excellent choice Daphne!

  Re: New Review... DFen911 Oh I've been wanting...
We are so busy just now, I doubt I'd get to it. But, if you could post the recipes and I'll save all the reviews and helpful hints, I could try them in say Sept.

So, what I'm saying is, it's really a great idea and an exciting challenge, but I'll have to wait a bit. Okay?
Empress for Life
New Review...

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