I haven't been on much - a little lurking to make sure everyone is okay, but that's been about it.

We canceled the trip back to "look-see". John and Vicki are going back to take care of getting the mobile hooked up to water, sewer, electricity, and gas. Meanwhile we're packing and getting rid of stuff! Down right brutal too.

The 28' truck will be here the 28th - 2 days to load it and then we're off. Assuming of course that our new mini-van (2003 - new to us, needs new engine) is ready to hook up and go.

I can't tell you how excited we are - we'll be able to retire, and still be able to ramble around and visit people, (you are all hereby warned - if you see a pale blue Chrysler Mini van pull up it's too late to run!)

We're planning the farewell party on the 19th and then it's going to be yard sales and dump runs.

Wheeeeeeeee we're off!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Getting our life gathered up for the move! Harborwitch I haven't been on mu...
How exciting Sharon! Keep up the energy during this packing up time! Good luck with it all.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Getting our life gathered up for the move! esgunn How exciting Sharon!...
Yowza! You are making a big change.... wishing you smooth sailing! Let us know when you are settled in and how it all goes for you.

  Re: Getting our life gathered up for the move! HomeCulinarian Yowza! You are maki...
Oh Sharon, I know you must be so excited! You have wanted this for SO LONG! I hope all goes well in the move. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get settled in!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Getting our life gathered up for the move! Harborwitch I haven't been on mu...
Give us a couple of days notice (and to be sure we're here), we'll be ready!!! Good luck! You will have so much fun!!
"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".

  Re: Getting our life gathered up for the move! Old Bay Give us a couple of ...
It's going to be so much fun. I imagine this first winter will be a great learning experience - but I can really see getting my "fluffiness" back in shape on some cross country skis. We're planning lots of indoor projects too.

It's going to be great Bill - sort of like being in the center of the country - we can go anywhere! We'll be sure to let you know first.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  Getting our life gathered up for the move! Harborwitch I haven't been on mu...
and we've moved more than most. 10 times in 35 years. When my husband asks me where is something, I usually tell him I know exactly where it was 2 moves ago, but I haven't seen it in years.

Good luck.


  ugh, moving is such a pain lxxf and we've moved more...
I think we may have you tied! although in fewer years. It's been kinda fun today, I'm sorting through boxes of paperwork and assorted memories. Poor shredder is on it's 5th or 6th "overheat break"

I know exactly where stuff was in the last house - but not since or before. Hey Billy - did you bring me one or two gasket sets for the food saver??????
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: ugh, moving is such a pain Harborwitch I think we may have ...
I don't envy you the move (preparations, especially!), but it's so fun to start a new adventure and retiring. Just remember retirement is not for sissies, man, it's hard work but it's your own hard work and time.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: ugh, moving is such a pain cjs I don't envy you the...
Wow Sharon it seems like just yesterday you guys were entertaining the thought and here you are going for it I so envy you guys being able to retire. You bring that blue car my way any time!!
Getting our life gathered up for the move!

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