Tomorrow is the party and so today I will prep everything I can. I will make a list of everything that needs to get done today and for tomorrow as well.

I am getting a bit nervous even though I know the menu is not too complex for me. Over the past year I have been trying to transfer all my husband's family's 8mm reels to digital format. Yesterday, while doing a few more videos, the bulb on the projector burned out. They don't make this bulb anymore so it won't be easy to get a replacement.

Nobody knows I had been doing this and I was hoping to have it nearly completed by tomorrow as a nice surprise. But I do have several to show them anyway, I just wanted to be more complete and give them a 'finished' date. But for now I posted some of them on Youtube and so now I can show them on our bigscreen TV to the whole family.

I showed my hubby is first and second birthday last night and he was so happy. He loved it. It is so much fun to see that old footage. The clothes they wore, the furniture, the cars they drove and my MIL's horn-rimmed glasses and frosted hair. What a hoot!

So hopefully today will go well and I will do all my prep work with love, the food should be good and it will be a great day.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Today is Prep-Day luvnit Tomorrow is the part...
Your menu sounds great, the decorations are perfect, and it is wonderful of you to convert the movies to digital format. What a series of gifts for your husband's family. I hope you enjoy your prep day, and that tomorrow exceeds your expectations!

  Re: Today is Prep-Day karyn Your menu sounds gre...
Laura - that's a great project... I'd say you get a pass on the reformatting of your family videos. What you've done already should be a nice treat for them. I'd say that you're adding stress on yourself by creating a deadline. The deadline is artificial and you can get it done when it gets done.

Good luck with your party!

  Re: Today is Prep-Day HomeCulinarian Laura - that's a gre...
What a great project to do for your husband.

I know you're going to fix the best lunch ever for that crew.

Someday I need to get back to putting 300+ albums on cd. I don't think that'll happen on the road though - too much weight to haul all those albums around.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Today is Prep-Day Harborwitch What a great project...
The reformatting of old movies is a great project. I can't believe you MIL is so "frosty"! Maybe THIS will thaw her out. Enjoy your prep day!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Today is Prep-Day Harborwitch What a great project...
I am doing the movie project for my husband. He's actually a very sweet and sentimental guy. He loves this stuff and really shows his appreciation. These movies are so old I want to finish it before they get too old. I probably have 5-6 hours left on the project. But I think HC is right, too much pressure on myself anyway. I will just have to wait for the new bulb anyway.

Daphne, my MIL has always had a gruff personality. Really negative and can find fault in just about everything. She can always tell what everyone else is doing wrong and is very outspoken. Her daughters are very similar. Very tough exteriors on these women.

My exterior is a little on the mushy side! Ha!

I am starting on Jean's potato salad this morning. Gosh I love that stuff. Overall, it should be a very good day today.

Oh and my new kitchen timer just came in the mail! It's a triple-timer so I can time 3 things at once. It will get a nice test today.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: Today is Prep-Day luvnit I am doing the movie...
Yay on the new kitchen gadget!

What in incredible thing you are doing, transferring those old films. My Mom has a huge job in scanning old slides, who knows when she will get to the movies? Anyway, if you find yourself at a loss about a new bulb let me know and I'll ask my brother where he located a bulb and some other part for my parents' old Bell & Howell projector.

GOOD LUCK (today and tomorrow) LAURA! It'll be awesome.

my cooking adventures

  Re: Today is Prep-Day foodfiend Yay on the new kitch...
Good Luck and remember to enjoy it!
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.
  Re: Today is Prep-Day foodfiend Yay on the new kitch...
Laura, I hope you have a wonderful day today and tomorrow. You certainly deserve it. When you work with that much love in your heart, things have a way of turning out well.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Today is Prep-Day Mare749 Laura, I hope you ha...
What a great idea with those old movies - we started that project a few years ago, and never got very far. We keep thinking when things slow down...

Have a great time tomorrow and enjoy hubby's B'day party as much as he will!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
Today is Prep-Day

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