What's on the menu for everyone?

We're back to CarbLovers tonight - Spaghetti and Turkey meatballs.

But, last's night's dinner was excellent - what fun to match the food to a bottle of wine!

Here's the recipe if anyone is interested, so fast and easy -

* Exported from MasterCook *

Sugo alla Puttanesca - Chuck Love, cooking.com

2/3 cup pitted black olives -- sliced
4 boned salt packed anchovy fillets - Well rinsed
2 cloves garlic - thinly sliced
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon rinsed salted capers -- minced
1 1/2 C basic tomato sauce
Dried red pepper flakes to taste
1 lb spaghetti

Add the garlic and the red pepper flakes* to a sauté pan and sauté in the oil with the anchovies, stirring the mixture about to break up the anchovies.
When the garlic’s lightly browned, add the olives, capers, and tomato sauce.
Check seasoning.
Simmer the sauce for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta, 1 minute short of al dente.
Stir the pasta into the sauce.
Cook together to finish the pasta and have it absorb the flavors of the sauce.

*You can add the red pepper flakes at the very end and get a mild sauce with an occasional hit of heat or pass a bowl of the flakes to your diners to add at their pleasure.

Serves 4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And the Three Angels (a Washington wine) 2007 Primitivo was excellent with the dish. In 2008, the wine was $20.00 and they only made 83 cases, so no chance of finding this year, but we'll look for the wine again.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28 cjs What's on the menu f...
Sounds delicious, Jean! Tonight I'm making this - looks so good on the cover of Cooking Light.


  Re: What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28 Trixxee Sounds delicious, Je...
That looks good Trixee. Jean I'm drooling over that recipe.

Finally - tonight is our rack of lamb dinner at Francois'. He's had a rough weekend, but tonight is better - no messy kitchen in the coach.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28 Harborwitch That looks good Trix...
Review please, Trixxee!!

so, not leaving today, huh, Sharon?
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28 cjs Review please, Trixx...
That looks wonderful, Trixxee....so fresh and Spring-like!

It's rainy and cold here, so I'm going to make a chicken pot pie. This weekend when I gave William some options, this was one of the options. He commented that it had been a long time. I had to wait until tonight, since the local store doesn't carry the pie crust I like.
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28 Gourmet_Mom That looks wonderful...
Garlic shrimp over pasta and a side of broccoli.

Jean, your dinner last night sounds delicious. Do you know what type of black olive you used? The ones that I buy sometimes are slightly shrived and very salty. I don't think they would be good in this because there is already enough salt in the anchovies and capers.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28 Mare749 Garlic shrimp over p...
I use Kalamatas, Maryann and I taste them for saltiness and sometimes have to rinse.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28 cjs I use Kalamatas, Mar...
Making the Winter Pork Stew again. The sun is shining, but the temps are close to freezing!

  Re: What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28 HomeCulinarian Making the Winter Po...
Probbly seafood stuffed portabellas but maybe a pasta dish. This is that crazy nite shift and the timing is all off.
Btw, Eldest Darling Daughter started maternity leave today, both babies are at 7lbs, and the countdown begins......
Empress for Life

  Re: What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28 farnfam Probbly seafood stuf...
Oh, how exciting!!!! Seven pounds already!?!? I can't believe how the time has flown by! It won't be long now!
Keep your mind wide open.
What's For Dinner, Monday, 3/28

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