Well, I've done it again! I have saved a picture of a recipe from C@H that I wanted to try, but don't seem to have the recipe to go with the picture! The recipe that I am looking for appeared in C@H, December 2005, p 14. The dish was entitled, Table for Two, Chicken:Italian Style. I Googled the recipe with no C@H results. I would be most grateful if anyone has this recipe in their file. I sure wish that C@H would finish the project in getting their recipes online! I would gladly pay to be a member!

  Recipe Help bfg Well, I've done it a...
Barbara, I've got it, but I'll have to type in. If nobody gets to it by tomorrow morning, I'll post it for you.
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Recipe Help Gourmet_Mom Barbara, I've got it...
I found it - I made this Oct. 18, 2006 - it was a birthday review dinner for someone.

This is a thread where we talked about it and there is a hilarious long, long (4 pages) talking about what ingredients couldn't be found and everyone mentioning different stores - Billy right in the middle of it all.


And this is the thread where we reviewed it -

Erin posted this originally -
Saltimbocca Chicken Breasts
With Sage sauce and creamy Arugula Pasta
C@H Issue 54 Page 14 December 2005

For the Chicken
Season and Stuff; Wrap in
2 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (6-8) oz each
Ground black pepper
2 oz provolne cheese, cut into two sticks
4 slices prosciutto, divided

Saute in:
1 t olive oil
1 t butter

For the pasta -
cook;Toss with:
4 oz angel hair pasta
3 T heavy Cream
2 T Parmesan cheese, grated
1 egg yolk
1 t lemon zest, minced
pinch of red pepper flakes
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup arugula, torn (I use spinach)

For the sauce -
Saute in 1 tsp butter:
1 T Shallots, minced

Deglaze with; Add and Simmer;
1/4 cup dry white wine
1/3 cup chicken broth
Juice of 1/2 a lemon

Finish with:
2 T butter softened
1 tsp minced fresh sage leaves

Preheat oven to 400. Bring a pot a salted water to a boil for cooking the pasta.

Season Chicken with pepper, Cut a slit in each seasoned chicken breast - lengthwise down the middle. Do not slice through. Place cheese inside slit, then wrap snugly in two overlaping slices of prosciutto.

Saute chicken in oil and butter in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Cook, turning to brown all sides 6-8 minutes total. Place chicken on a rack set on a backing sheet and transfer to the oven for about 5 minutes to finish. Remove and let chicken rest 5 minutes before serving

Cook pasta in boiling water for 4 minutes while chicken is in the oven. In a bowl, whisk together the cream, parmesan, egg yolk, zest, and seasonings; top with arugula. Drain the pasta, add it to the bowl, and toss to coat pasta and wilt the greens.

Saute Shallots for the sauce in butter over medium-high heat using the same skillet the chicken was browned in. Cook until shallots are soft, 1 minute.

Deglaze with wine; simmer over high heat until nearly evaporated. Add broth and lemon juice. SImmer until reduced by half, 3 minutes.

Finish sauce with butter and sage.
To serve divide pasta between two plates, place chicken alongside pasta, then drizzle with sauce.


Sorry I got so carried away, Barbara, but the old threads are fun to look back at.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Recipe Help cjs I found it - I made ...
And there you go! Thanks for the memory, Jean! I sure do miss that pudgy baby face!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Recipe Help cjs I found it - I made ...
Thanks so much, Erin! I'm putting the recipe in Living Cookbook today, so it won't get lost! I had a recipe for Chicken Saltimbocca, in my Cuisine@Home notebook, following the picture of the Chicken:Italian Style. It is definitely not the same recipe as the one that you posted. The chicken saltimbocca that I have appeared in the Cuisine@Home, October, 2007, p 34 issue. I enjoyed reading the other links that you posted, especially all the problems members had finding fresh sage!

I do hope that I can return the favor of posting a member's need for a lost C@H recipe in the future. I have entered all C@H keeper recipes in Living Cookbook and keep a notebook of the recipes that I want to try eventually.

This is a great forum and the members are always so helpful to other members' needs as well as sharing informative information related to recipes and cooking.

  Re: Recipe Help Gourmet_Mom Barbara, I've got it...

So glad that you did not have to spend time typing in the recipe, since Erin had posted it a few years ago! But a special thanks to you, for volunteering to type in the recipe!

Recipe Help

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