Last night's dinner was from the Weeknight Menus vol 2 cookbook .....Shrimp and Grits with tomato cream sauce. A definite 12 out of 10 in my opinion. We had another couple over and we all practically licked our plates. I made the tomato sauce ahead of time and tasted it to season and that alone is so amazing. I am shocked there was any left for dinner. The main part is supposed to be kielbasa,onions,peppers, and shrimp. I subbed chirizo. The entire thing is to be served on a bowl of creamy grits but I made cheese grits. I woke up wanting more this morning. One of the best meals I have ever made to date! My only complaint is there could have been more.

Everything tastes better Alfresco!

  Shrimp &Grits w/ Tomato Cream Sauce-review chef_Tab Last night's dinner ...
Oh shrimp and grits!! That sounds so wonderful! I just looked thru the books I have and don't see the recipe, Theresa.

on the covers:
Bacon-wrapped Cider Pork Steaks
half a chicken with roasted tato and asparagus
and the cover for Cuisine tonight: tortilla chip chicken

One of those? I remember when Billy (and Tracie) were at out house (the barn) in California, we made Shrimp and Grits that were so good, we were all just groaning over them. I sent what little was left over home with Billy and Roy had a fit when he found out. I don't think I've made them since.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Shrimp &Grits w/ Tomato Cream Sauce-review cjs Oh shrimp and grits!...
The cover has Chicken Francese with sauteed asparagus and under weeknight menus it says, 15&30 minute entrees with sides for every night of the week. I will go ahead and type up the recipe in case anyone needs it.

Everything tastes better Alfresco!

  Re: Shrimp &Grits w/ Tomato Cream Sauce-review chef_Tab The cover has Chicke...
Don't bother, Theresa - I found the thread where Billy posted the recipe.


(I hope you see this before you go to the trouble)
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Shrimp &Grits w/ Tomato Cream Sauce-review cjs Don't bother, Theres...
Geeze! So many recipes, so little time.
Keep your mind wide open.
Shrimp &Grits w/ Tomato Cream Sauce-review

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