I certainly hope it plays into keeping the forum alive.

Cuisine for Two cookbook (Vol 4) - Reviews 832 views

ISSUE # 95 - Sept-Oct. 2012 Recipe Reviews 356 views

Issue #94 July/August arrived 687 views

ISSUE # 94 - Jul/Aug 2012 Recipe Reviews 400 views

These threads are really bringing in the viewers!!! Good on all of us.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Think the Powers That Be Will Like This?? cjs I certainly hope it ...
Wow!That's great! I have noticed several times when I google a recipe that often the Cuisine at Home forums come up. I think it's cool and sometimes it's a thread from way back. I love it!
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: Think the Powers That Be Will Like This?? luvnit Wow!That's great! I...
I have been intrigued with the interest in the current magazines---even though I have not received a couple yet. The interest has been overwhelming with our newest members---nice to see such enthusiasm---keeps me interested!! GO GUYS!!!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Re: Think the Powers That Be Will Like This?? Roxanne 21 I have been intrigue...
That is good news, Jean. It always amazes me the number of anons that are on the forum at any given time. Sure wish more people would be inclined to join in.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Think the Powers That Be Will Like This?? Mare749 That is good news, J...
Thanks Jean--I hope the PTB realize we are advertising for new subscriptions--the basis of revenue--CAH is doing well in this economy--they can hang on until the recovery!!! (Just like my business!!)
"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".

  Re: Think the Powers That Be Will Like This?? Old Bay Thanks Jean--I hope ...
I agree, these stickies are really generating action! What a great idea you guys! I hope it brings in more members, too!

Bill, BG is finally licensed and seeing the advantages!
Keep your mind wide open.
Think the Powers That Be Will Like This??

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