One more idea from the issue - don't want too many posts about her ideas............ but this sounded so cute.

Martha Stewart Living, October 2012
Spiderwebb pancakes

The trick behind these foolproof Halloween treats is a squeeze bottle. Snip its tip to make the opening slightly larger; then fill it with batter, making sure there are no lumps. To create a web, form an asterisk with the batter on a hot griddle, and connect the points and arms of the stars in two rows. For the spider, squirt two connected circles, and add eight legs. The bottle can also be used to easily create letters and faces, changing your pancake game -- and making you a superstar in your kids' eyes -- for many weekends to come.

[Image: pancakes-120-md109033_vert.jpg]
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Maryann, Laura, Erin, (Moms & Grandmas) cjs One more idea from t...
Great idea - will have to use it for the grans - they will like it.

Have to practice up on my drawing too. !!!
Everything will be all right in the end. So if it is not right, then it's not yet the end.

  Re: Maryann, Lalura, Erin, (Moms & Grandmas) mjkcooking Great idea - will ha...
Oh, how fun is that! Tommy, especially would just love this. I would think you would have to cook these at a very low temp to give enough time for drawing...

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Maryann, Laura, Erin, (Moms & Grandmas) cjs One more idea from t...
Very Cute! Thanks for the ideas!
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Maryann, Lalura, Erin, (Moms & Grandmas) esgunn Very Cute! Thanks f...
Very cool! I hope I remember when Jake is old enough to appreciate.
Keep your mind wide open.
Maryann, Laura, Erin, (Moms & Grandmas)

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