Hey All,

The knee replacement surgery went well today. The scheduled appointment ran 45 late, but Hubby was wide awake and looking good after recovery.

No problems at all. When you do the scrubs with the special soap scrubs and swab your nose with the antiseptics they prescribe, all goes well.

The Virtua Hospital FLOORS me!! He's got access to email, the Internet, can order food at any time during the day, and access to a bunch of TV channels! Seriously! He was like WOW! Why did I bring my Kindle?!

Five hours after the surgery, they got him up and walking 30 feet with a 4-point wheeled walker. He was actually able to bend his operated knee quite a bit before they did this. His leg lifts suck because he never worked on his Quads with a stationary bike or a Nordic Track machine like I begged him to.

The Nursing staff is great and I intend to bring a fruit platter to the Nurses' Station tomorrow.

And hopefully he will get to a Rehab facility for all of next week since I'm looking at 6 am - 8:30 pm days all next week. ( ) It's looking good, fingers crossed.

I am so proud of Hubby!!


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.

  OT- Surgery Results BarbaraS Hey All,[br][br]The ...
Wow, sounds like it went just about as well as could be expected!

  Re: OT- Surgery Results Trixxee Wow, sounds like it ...
Barbara, I am so happy to hear that hubbie is doing so well! My aunt had such a hard time with hers that it made me wonder how anyone ever goes through it. Glad it's done and over with and may he have a speedy recovery.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: OT- Surgery Results Mare749 Barbara, I am so hap...
Wow, 5 hours afterward and he was walking? That's amazing! May he (and YOU) get through the next few weeks with little... angst...

my cooking adventures

  Re: OT- Surgery Results foodfiend Wow, 5 hours afterwa...
Barabara! This is TERRIFIC news!!!! I'm so glad it all went well! It is amazing how far they have come in the past couple of years with this type of surgery! I know two or three people that have had this done recently and have been AMAZED at their quick recovery time.
Keep your mind wide open.
  OT- Surgery Results BarbaraS Hey All,[br][br]The ...
Barbara that is wonderful! It sounds a lot better than the "repair job" they did on mine. Everyone I know who's had the replacement surgery raves about it . . . but it sounds like your hubby is exceedingly well!

Sorry about the hours next week
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: OT- Surgery Results Harborwitch Barbara that is wond...
Wonderful news for the both of you. By the time you can relax from this coming week, he'll be in good enough shape to take care of you!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: OT- Surgery Results cjs Wonderful news for t...
So very glad to hear that it went so well!!

  Re: OT- Surgery Results DFen911 So very glad to hear...
That is so wonderful! I hope his recovery continues to go equally as well!!
  Re: OT- Surgery Results Harborwitch Barbara that is wond...

Did they scope you? Because Hubby went through that in 2008 and it really didn't help much. Not even the injections of the stuff they make from chicken *****'s combs helped much. Can you find the supplement "Move Free Ultra" by Schiff? Target does carry it and maybe Wal-Mart. That did help a little, but Hubby was "bone-on bone" from inherited arthritis.

He was okay today - in ache and then none. Pain fluctuated between 0-4 on the hospital scale. Walked farther this afternoon and sat for an hour in a chair for the lungs. Did some good PT and is really pushing it on his own.

We got approved for one week's rehab (thank God!!) starting with Friday's discharge (fingers crossed) at a place that's on my way to work and on my way home after my scheduled 14-hr days next week. Rehab is 1 hour 2 times per day for 5 days straight and 3 meals per. It has been a totally cooperative conversation with all involved - Aetna, Rehab, Hospital - practically painless! Except for Hubby. But he's working it well!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.
OT- Surgery Results

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