We started shopping for our garden and herbs last weekend. I bought romaine, rosemary, sage, mint, 2 more climbing roses and a grapevine.

After I uncovered the herb garden, I saw that my sage lived and something that was marked as 'fennel' is alive but I think it's dill. Mr HB will have a fit when he finds out that I want the herb garden moved. Y'all may hear the hollering from here but bet your bottom dollar that it'll be beside the deck before I finish.

My hydrangea(s) haven't grown a lick in 2 years. The gardenia was put on earth to worry me to death and the shrubs by the front walkway just toy with me during growing season.

I'll have to wait until later to see if the hibiscus survived but the tulip tree is in full bloom although it doesn't have any leaves yet.

If anyone wants a beautiful tree, buy a crepe myrtle. They are gorgeous and bloom all during the growing season. It's a joy to have in the yard.

My Meyer Lemon has been outside for about a week and is alive so far. I harvested the last lemon for the Chicken Carbonara.

My lilac died over the winter and I'm interested to see if the blueberry and raspberry bushes made it. I haven't seen a bit of growth on them. We'll see later if the clematis survived.

I've just gotten into this gardening 'stuff' and have really enjoyed it.

Please spay and neuter your pets.

  Gardening anyone? Half_Baked We started shopping ...
Just plant the rosemary Jan, and leave it alone. There are some old, old rosemary bushes growing along Marilee's paddock fence. Unless you use lots and lots of rosemary [and lots and lots ] one plant will suffice. I've had mine here for 6 years now.

My neighbor across the street has a hibiscus. Every year he cuts the branches down to about 6" and then covers the whole thing with leaves to winter over. If you want a Sweet Bay tree, plant it in a container or it will grow to about 40 feet. I don't know how old mine is...3,4 or 5 years, and it is about 3 feet tall in a 2 cu. ft. planter. Has more leaves that I know what to do with.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: Gardening anyone? bjcotton Just plant the rosem...
I have a hibiscus tree, not a bush. I used to hide under my grandmother's hibiscus bush when I was knee high to a grasshopper. It was a great fort.

I just love this gardening business, BJ and you certainly were pivotal in getting me started.

Please spay and neuter your pets.

  Re: Gardening anyone? Half_Baked I have a hibiscus tr...
Don't you blame that on me Sweetie Pie!
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Re: Gardening anyone? Half_Baked I have a hibiscus tr...
Jan, if you have the room, every year I replace my rosemary plant near the house for cooking and plant out in the yard - here and there. They take no care and they make the yard smell wonderful. We run our hands up the stalks everytime we walked by a plant. We'll transplant our 'old' ones as soon as we get home!! I would not stop at just one plant - especially as old ones get older and tougher, they make wonderful kebob sticks.

my finger's are tingling to get started too!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Gardening anyone? cjs Jan, if you have the...
Jean, I've been reading out on the deck during the afternoons and all the plants are still on the patio table. The wafting smell is wonderful and I do run my hands over the branches to intensify the aroma.

I moved my rosemary in last year to see if I could continue it hydroponically. Unfortunately, when I was digging it up, I nicked some of the tap root and it died.

Planting them all over the yard is great. Are they an evergreen?

Please spay and neuter your pets.

  Re: Gardening anyone? Half_Baked Jean, I've been read...
Yes they are Jan. I use mostly the new growth in cooking since they tend to grow all year.

I have to be careful what and where I plant things in the backyard because of the drain fields. If we hadn't put those in it would have been ankle deep mud because of the sloped area behind our house.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Gardening anyone? Half_Baked We started shopping ...
Wow. There's still snow and ice outside, and you're putting out the lemon tree! Jealous, jealous, jealous...

I bought seeds last week, in anticipation. Three varities of tomatoes, poblano pepper (never had luck with bell peppers, though), summer and winter squash, broccoli, Italian-style beans, and something new-- Brussels sprouts. I just found out last year how wonderful these things can be when they're picked fresh and lightly steamed with lemon. I hope they aren't eaten by deer, rabbits, or bugs...

I hope to start the tomatoes in a couple of weeks. Summer's coming!! Summer's coming!!!

my cooking adventures
  Gardening anyone? Half_Baked We started shopping ...
I just ordered our seeds from Nichols Garden Nursery in Albany Oregon. We had really good luck with their seeds last year. And I like that they are local to the Northwest. I order them online.

We will try and get the peas - snap and shelling - in just before we go on vacation. And the others started either just before or right after we get back. A little later than usual this year.

The others I got are:
New Zealand Spinach - new to us last year - LOVED IT
Tomatoes - Legend, stupice, Honey bunch grape, Salsa and Tumbler (for hanging baskets). We had great luck on all those last year.
Basil - Bush Green, thai, Large Green
I will buy pepper plants. Green, red, yellow and jalapeno and one other hot variety.

My herbs that are in my herb garden that made it through the winter are Oregano, sage, thyme and rosemary.

Asparagus should be coming up soon, as well and Reubarb.

I really need to get out and tend the berries - raspberries, marionberries and boysenberries. YUM!
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Gardening anyone? esgunn I just ordered our s...
I've been reading up on the Rosemary and it grows to 6' tall x 3'wide. I'm contemplating buying a bunch of the plants and using them to line one side of the house.

I'll show that darned Gardenia that she isn't the only plant that has a beautiful smell!!! ....and the hydrangea will be moved this year, definately. I'm tired of these plants toying with me.

Please spay and neuter your pets.
Gardening anyone?

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