C'mon, when are you going to post about your visit to the good ole U.S.ofA.???? Would love to hear what kind of time you had. Did you get to see most of your family?

I hope you had a wonderful visit.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!! cjs C'mon, when are you ...
Jean--you are sooooo LOW!!!! I had an awesome visit but didn't want to bore everyone with my escapades!!! Did I have a great whirlwind flight--or what?? I guess I should find a bit of time to express my opinions with what I noted there, especially the shopping experiences.

I will cherish this time I spent with my family and the incredible USofA---because you ASKED FOR IT--I will "find" the time to give my experiences and opinions. You may not like all I have to say but no one ever accused me of not being honest--yet!!

Watch this space only if you want to be bored to death!!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Re: We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!! Roxanne 21 Jean--you are sooooo...
I wanna hear it too!!! All of it! I am amazed when traveling around our country at the differences I find! Imagine comparing with a whole different country and customs. And big cities vs smaller towns. My husband constantly notes how nobody pays attention to anyone anymore. He is the kind of guy that will always smile and say hello to someone on the street - and most people are not receptive to that.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!! esgunn I wanna hear it too!...
Isn't that the truth Erin! I am also the type that if I make eye contact with someone, I will at least smile and nod. The number of people that immediately look away and don't acknowledge the slight greeting never fails to astound me. I want to run up and shake them and say, "I smiled and nodded to you jerk!"

We're waiting Roxanne I want to hear too!
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!! bjcotton Isn't that the truth...
Erin, I think that is a world wide phenomenon---I dont understand what ever happened to friendliness and/or courtesy. I miss that immensely!!!

Billy, you got it!!! Sad--------
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Re: We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!! Roxanne 21 Erin, I think that i...
I guess all of you should come to the Midwest. Friendliest people in the whole country according to my brother who has far more traveling experience than I do, covering most of the US. I would mostly agree since I'm rairly ignored and if I am, don't take it personally. My mom used to say that maybe that person just doesn't feel well, and I've never forgotten her wisdom.

Vicci lives only about 2 hours away from me, and I'll bet she would agree that people are mostly friendly out this way.

Back to Roxanne, I've been wondering why we haven't heard a word from you about your trip, your shopping, eating, your family, everything!!! We're waiting!!!!


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!! Roxanne 21 Jean--you are sooooo...
:Watch this space only if you want to be bored to death"

I'm waiting!!!
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.

  Re: We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!! Lorraine :Watch this space on...
I, too, be waiting.....

Now, Rox, just open a wonderful bottle of wine, sit down and type it all up - plan to finish your story and the bottle of wine at the same time. (we'll just skip to the last paragraph )
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!! cjs I, too, be waiting.....
Speaking of friendly people. I was in Maine once; I rented a car and just took off driving back roads admiring the colors [it was in the fall] and eventually, of course, got lost. I spotted this old man standing by a mailbox, so I stopped and asked him how to get back to Bangor. He thought a minute and said, "Ye cahn't git thar from heyar! But ifn ya go up ta the nex lil town, ya cahn git thar from thar!" My intelligent reply was, "Huh?"
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!! bjcotton Speaking of friendly...
I think that is very profound in a literal kind of way Billy.
We Want the Dirt, Roxanne!!!

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