An hour before opening, I was informed an alert for a pipe bomb threat was issued. It was my choice to open or not, I decided to open. I was actually a little busier than usual.

This I don't understand. The alert stated each and every building on campus would be evacuated and searched, yet my building was neither evacuated nor searched

Everything turned out okay. The building is old, disorganized at the moment because we're relocating, there are lots of abandoned closets and spaces. It originated from an email on campus, came to campus authorities via Germany, China, someplace else then back to UNH.

While everyone else on campus was at least leaving their buildings, if not the campus, everyone in food services just kept on cooking.



  So how was your day? pjcooks An hour before openi...
PJ, this is such a shame, isn't it? There were a few similar stories on our local news today. You're awfully brave, I would have been out of there in a flash! Glad you're okay.

My day was fine, although I was busy boiling water all day and sterilizing everything under the sun. There was a water main break nearby, so we all had to boil water today. Since I was babysitting my grandbaby today, it seemed like a good idea to just sterilize everything she uses.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: So how was your day? Mare749 PJ, this is such a s...
Maryanne, having to boil your water can be quite a pain, many communities here have had that order because of the floods. It makes you realize just how many times you head for the tap, doesn't it? Only when you can't... It seems to have been a trying spring for many of us. Let's hope summer is better!


  Re: So how was your day? pjcooks Maryanne, having to ...
A BIG amen to that PJ. Today wasn't too bad. We had a CT scan this AM and they did a blood test to make sure she could continue chemo Monday...the 800 lb gorilla arrived this afternoon, so I can have some relief Saturday anyway.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: So how was your day? bjcotton A BIG amen to that P...
So things are as positive as can be at the moment, Billy? Hope everything works out for Fredia.

So how was your day?

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