In my effort to try to grow some of my own food, I purchased some things the other day. I got herbs that I can just plant in the ground. I've heard they grow well with water and sun, and I'm hoping they grow like weeds so I can utilize them!

I also bought a tomato plant. I have no idea of the specific brand- the picture was round red tomatoes (so not cherry and not roma). Not having enough room in the ground right now to "do it right," I bought a BIG pot and put the tomato plant (about a foot high) in the pot with the soil that supposedly feeds it. I also bought cylindrical shaped wire and stuck it in there so that the plant can grow up and be supported. Is there anything else I need to do to make this a successful tomato plant?

I know many of you grow tomatoes successfully- thanks!!

"Everything tastes better with wine"

  I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT? SDRecipeGirl In my effort to try ...
Sounds like you did everything exactly right!

I have tomatos on my plants but they aren't even beginning to turn red.

Please spay and neuter your pets.

  Re: I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT? Half_Baked Sounds like you did ...
Any tips for how to keep it alive, healthy and growing good tomatoes?

"Everything tastes better with wine"

  Re: I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT? SDRecipeGirl Any tips for how to ...
Unless you are going completely organic - Give it Miracle Grow tomato food - 1 gallon once a week. Water regularly inbetween - but don't keep it too wet. Give it lots of sun.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT? esgunn Unless you are going...
Aren't you in for a treat this summer, Lori with your tomatoes. I also fertilize (with Miracle Grow) once a week.

You've also already planted your tomato, but one thing I do when planting them is to clip off the bottom 3 or 4 (depending on size of plant) sets of leaves and plant to within ~2" of the next set of leaves. This gives the plant a real good start.

Also, if you start getting buds right off the bat, pinch them off (I know it's so hard to do - Roy has to look the other way... )and give the plant a chance to get good and strong before it's energy goes into the tomato itself.

One last suggestion - since you're going to be gardening this year, I suggest you also buy 1 or 2 cherry, or better yet a yellow pear-shaped miniature, so you have something to munch on while you are taking care of the garden. These sun-warmed tomatoes are the best flavor in the whole world.

Have fun!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT? cjs Aren't you in for a ...
It is better to water the dirt the plant is in instead of the plant itself. As the tomatoes come on watering from above may cause the tomatoes skin to split.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT? bjcotton It is better to wate...
WHHAAAA!!!! Can't grow tomatoes in a sand dune, here!!! I will live vicariously through your efforts, SD----dreaming of those home grown tomatoes!!! Keep us posted, please!!! You lucky devil-------Erin, I am sooooo very envious!!!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  Re: I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT? esgunn Unless you are going...
Do I give the plant a whole GALLON of miracle grow tomato food, even if it's just one tomato plant?? Is there anything that I need to worry about eating my tomato plant?

I think I can handle this. We'll be out of town for the last half of July and 10 days in August too, so I'm hoping I can trust my neighbor to take care of them.

I looked for cherry/pear tomatoes to no avail. but perhaps I'll stop by the larger nursery nearby to see what they have. It would be fun to have more. I need a few more of the herbs too.

I currently only have a lemon tree and lots of rosemary. It's so fun to be able to just go into the backyard and get what you need, especially as much as I cook. Can't wait for the fruits of my labor to grow!

"Everything tastes better with wine"

  Re: I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT? SDRecipeGirl Do I give the plant ...
I double cecked the box of tomoato food and it says

"When planting tomatoes, use approx 1 cup of solutio per plant. As the plants grow, increase the amount of solution until you reach the rate of 1 gallon per plant per feeding. Use every 7 - 14 days. "

I start my vegies and herbs from seeds. I start the seeds in March or April and I just transplanted to the garden...I was a little late this year getting them out.
6 stupice tomatoes
6 salsa tomatoes
6 ledgend tomatoes - beef steak
7 Honey bunch grape
6 tumbler tomatoes
4 jalapenos
8 bell peppers
6 new zeland spinach
Sugar Snap peas

And I have Basil, Thai basil, flat and currly leaf parsley. Established in my garden Sage, Rosemary, oregano and thyme. I just love it!
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT? esgunn I double cecked the ...
Wow, Erin- you are in garden heaven!!!! I'd love that, but here in Southern Cal. we don't have a whole lot of room for gardens in our yards.

Did I read that correctly that you have THREE five year olds? Triplets??

"Everything tastes better with wine"
I have a tomato plant- NOW WHAT?

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