peel and eat a grapefruit like you would an orange? It's disgusting! If you miss even a small piece of the skin it is very bitter. So, I thought I'd supreme it...have you noticed how thick the grapefruit skin is? The meat of it, when I finally got to it, was sweet and delicious. I ended up with two grapefruit supremed and decided it wasn't worth the trouble.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Have you ever tried to.... bjcotton peel and eat a grape...

I used to peel grapefruit and eat them like an orange. Yes, the pith is bitter and the skin sections are VERY tough! I ended the practice after a while. Now SUPREME, I have not heard of that. I will have to look it up.

Usually know I just cut it in half, scoop out all the sections into a bowl, allowing the juice to drip into the bowl too. Maybe add a little sugar if it's too tart and serve!

Or you can just by the canned grapefruit sections
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: Have you ever tried to.... luvnit Billy,[br][br]I used...
If I had a grapefruit spoon, or maybe one of those long handled teaspoons would work, I'd scoop out the sections. I'll give that a try because these are truly delicious.

Thank you Sweetie! I remembered wrestling with those darned things when I was a kid, so it never even ocurred to me to use a spoon. It is soooooo much easier than doing the supreme...quicker too
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Have you ever tried to.... bjcotton peel and eat a grape...

peel and eat a grapefruit like you would an orange?

No, since I don't like grapefruit. I will, however, do that with lemons (YUM!), and it freaks people out. LOL!
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: Have you ever tried to.... labradors [blockquote]Quote:[h...
That just makes me shudder
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Have you ever tried to.... bjcotton peel and eat a grape...
but let's see if I can describe the way my family has always eaten grapefruit.

Cut it in half at the widest part so you have a sort of starburst pattern with the core in the middle and the sections radiating out from the core. Take your paring knife and run it between the rind and the meat. Now take your paring knife and run it down both sides of the membrane separating the sections. If I have described this properly, you can now take any teaspoon and scoop out the sections. After you have eaten all the meat, be sure to squeeze the grapefruit half to get all the juice onto your spoon.


  You are testing my communications skills lxxf but let's see if I c...
I thought Sally described that as well or better than I would have. That is exactly what we do, and also sometimes sprinkle a little bit of sugar if they need it. It only takes a minute once you get the hang of it.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: You are testing my communications skills Mare749 I thought Sally desc...
Get a Rio Red---no sugar needed.
"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".

  Re: You are testing my communications skills Old Bay Get a Rio Red---no s...
I like orange and/or mandarin, lemon and grapefruit supremed, and layed in order around a small round dish. Perhaps some berry or cherry in the middle and a dressing of about 1 tspn of simple syrup with any juices caught poured over. It is fiddly but very good. And so pretty.

  Re: You are testing my communications skills vannin I like orange and/or...
prepared in the grapefuit skin is nice, sprinkled with brown sugar or golden syrup and grilled.
Have you ever tried to....

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