Ok, a couple cocktails has enabled me to make this confession!

I have a problem with sleep walking, but last night takes the cake (or should I say cookie)...LOL! I didn't even know I had this problem until I was in my thirties and my parents shared an experience when I was a teen over Thanksgiving dinner. They had no idea I never knew...LOL! Hubby chimed in at this time with experiences he'd had with my sleep walking. They were all shocked when I informed them that I had no recollection of any of these events. Hubby now takes great delight in sharing my late night adventures with me.

I have been known to be caught in the shower getting ready for work, etc. at all hours of the night, but this one is the topper.

I had wondered if my cookie baking would affect my dreams....LOL! But not like this...

After returning from hunting today, hubby informed me that last night I was over the top sleep walking.

At around 3 AM, he heard me rambling around in the bathroom. He watched me for a few minutes go back and forth in the room. He finally got up and approached me at the sink. "What are you doing Daph?"

Picture a big goofy grin here...

"Baking cookies!"

I don't know how long I'd been "baking"...the toilet was apparently the oven and the sink was the prep area...LOL!!!

Anyway, he patiently led me to the bed and tucked me in. I have NO recollection of the experience!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Sleep walking...LOL! Gourmet_Mom Ok, a couple cocktai...
I don't think I want any of those particular cookies Daphne, but wouldn't turn down those you cooked while awake I would have thought it would be a frightening experience, but you seem to take it in stride. Good for you.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: Sleep walking...LOL! bjcotton I don't think I want...
Oh Billy...I found the whole thing HILARIOUS! It's something one gets used to I guess. I don't get upset when hubby tells me of my late night escapades anymore. I just laugh them off with him. Oddly, my youngest has the same problem. I think that's what helped me get over my anxiety about it and be able to laugh at myself. He still doesn't get it or believe. I guess, he'll have to see someone else do it to get it. Hubby locks the doors every night for fear I'll wander away.

I promise you, my REAL cookies were wonderful! I wish you were close...still got a couple dozen left! The ones I "baked" last night are a true mystery....I'm thinking chocolate chip, as they were my fav.

OMG...ROFLMAO!!!!!!! I swear, that was not intentional.

  Re: Sleep walking...LOL! Gourmet_Mom Oh Billy...I found t...
wow, I'd never be as accepting of this as you are, Daphne - my word. I have one son who used to sleep walk, don't know if he still does or not. Evidently one of my daughters does also, but she didn't as a child, so have not witnessed it. That's scary to me.

All four talked in their sleep tho, and it could be a riot around our house in the middle of the night when all got started....
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Sleep walking...LOL! cjs wow, I'd never be as...
I used to sleep walk as a child - at least once. I'd been in a school play, it was very exciting and a lot of fun. The final night of the play we all went home, Mom and Dad tucked the brat and I in bed just like usual. Around 3 in the morning my Dad heard me rambling around and then heard the latch click on the front door. When he came out I was getting ready to leave, costume over my arm and my shoes in my hand. "Where are you going?" "I've got to go, it's time for practice for the play and I have to be there" "No honey, they canceled it tonight so you can go back to bed."

I think that was the last time!

I had occasion to sleep in the same room with Jennifer and Laurie one night - as usual they were curled up in a tangled little ball. I woke up in the middle of the night - there they were sound asleep (!) carrying on a completely intelligent conversation!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  Sleep walking...LOL! Gourmet_Mom Ok, a couple cocktai...
I have one very clear recollection of a time when I sleep-walked. I was about 11 and I must have been anxious that I wouldn't hear my alarm to get up for school. So around 1am I got up and showered. I woke up when I was in the kitchen making my breakfast. I looked at the clock and put my cereal back in the refrigerator and went to bed!
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  Re: Sleep walking...LOL! mlucas1 I have one very clea...
I used to sleep walk when I was little too. I quit when I was maybe 10. I didn't do anything fancy like you all. But my mom would tell me what I did the next day. I usually just seemed to wander aimlessly until my mom would tell me to go back to bed. But I had no recollection of any events that occured and I never woke up during my sessions.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: Sleep walking...LOL! luvnit I used to sleep walk...
Man, I'm in the midst of a lot of wierd sleep-walkers here....
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Sleep walking...LOL! cjs Man, I'm in the mids...

Man, I'm in the midst of a lot of wierd sleep-walkers here....

...and probably not one of them was awake when entering those messages.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: Sleep walking...LOL! labradors [blockquote]Quote:[h...
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
Sleep walking...LOL!

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