Thanks for all your efforts in down loading the sweetbread recipes - - I am new to this Web Site and find it amazing how everyone is so gracious in sharing their knowledge and taking time out of your busy days to assist one another - - thank you one and all for your kindness - - I am an early riser and find myself drawn to this site each day just to read and keep up with the interesting dialogue and inter play that transpires between this unique community.

My wife and I are both semi-retired chefs, and will be more than happy to assist where we can add value to your needs. We noticed that there are many cooking enthusiasts, wonderful homemakers and professionals such as CJS that make this site a respite for us!

Thanking you all again for your kindness.
Chef Barttlet
"WE only cook for SINNERS - - we BURN the HELL out of EVERYTHING!"

  Just a word of thanks to all those who participate ChefBartlett Thanks for all your ...
I must admit, whenever any one of us is lucky enough to be able to answer a question such as the one about sweetbreads, we all learn right along with the person asking. So, it's a win win situation for us all.

No matter what level or experience we have, we're all still learning. I want to add my thanks to Bartlett's to everyone on this wonderful site.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Just a word of thanks to all those who participate cjs I must admit, whenev...
This is my first internet forum that I happened upon via Cuisine at Home Magazine. I've found a group of people who share my interest in food and cooking even though we might not agree on all things, like which baseball team to cheer for! This is a caring group of people and that shows through every time a member reveals a tough time they are dealing with or something to celebrate.

I've learned a lot from hanging around here - also have acquired more kitchen equipment/stuff than I might have otherwise!

  Re: Just a word of thanks to all those who participate HomeCulinarian This is my first int...
HC, I couldn't have said it better! This is the third site I've joined and will have to say, your comments ring true for me as well! Best bunch of people I've ever had the experience to hang around! And this comment is the best...LOL!

I've learned a lot from hanging around here - also have acquired more kitchen equipment/stuff than I might have otherwise!

Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Just a word of thanks to all those who participate Gourmet_Mom HC, I couldn't have ...
I agree completely! I am a home cook with no training other than what I've received here and on another website I no longer visit. I have personally met several of the members and cooked with them and shared their homes. I do occasionally forget to let everyone know how much I value their friendship, cooking tips, vacations, and mostly their caring attitudes. On my first site I registered and then sat back and didn't think I had anything to contribute. I was soon taught that everyone has something to teach others. I have been the recipient of much encouragement, kindness, love, and joy from this group. They are usually my first contact in the morning and the last one at night.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: Just a word of thanks to all those who participate bjcotton I agree completely! ...
AWWW Billy! We love you, too!

Chef, I hope you and your wife visit often. It's scary how quickly I have attached to this group. Some who have been friends for a while paved my way, but the sincerity that is felt with all new people is the same. They are just "good people".

I feel from your post here, that you two will fit right in! We like this type of sentimentality. Can you tell? Please come back often.
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Just a word of thanks to all those who participate bjcotton I agree completely! ...
I don't know how this group evolved--maybe like this years flu virus--the predictions on its genetic make up was off--only 40% effective at prevention--usually the scientists do about 75%. This little microcosim of a community with such similar interests beat the vacines that have invaded other forums--this is really a treasure--I'm so glad I found you all--amazingly it includes even South Africa, New Zealand, Honduras, and some strait in Washington State--I mean I want somebody from the Cape of Good Hope------I enjoy you all so much.
"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".

  Re: Just a word of thanks to all those who participate Old Bay I don't know how thi...
You know it's threads like this that really make me realize how lucky I was to find this board

I so love this place and all the folks on it!

Chef glad to have you guys with us. I so look forward to your insight

BTW Derek and I are taking 2 trips this year on the bike. Yosimite in May and Grand Canyon in Sept. Hope to try good food and if anyone is in those areas give me a PM and maybe we can meet for coffee.

Next year we'll do our father trips (look out Jean and Billy)

  Re: Just a word of thanks to all those who participate DFen911 You know it's thread...
I'm assuming you're talking motorcycles Denise? What fun! Hubby wants to replace our bike when YS leaves for the Coast Guard. His first goal is the Blue Ridge Parkway. I'm thinking we've got too many irons in the fire at home to go off on road trips. But I envy you.
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Just a word of thanks to all those who participate Gourmet_Mom I'm assuming you're ...
Ah shucks...

I love this place and am sooo glad I am able to interact with so many wonderful people that share a love of life, family, friends, food and drink.

OT hey "Mom" what about if I move "home"? You guys just going to take off and make me fend for myself?
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)
Just a word of thanks to all those who participate

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