Last night I made the Korean-style Bulgogi with ginger dipping sauce from C@H issue 70. It was delicious. The ginger dipping sauce truly made the meal. Instead of tossing the the beef in the sauce, I poured it over the top of the beef on the serving plate to get every bit. The sesame rice vermicelli was rather boring so we used the ginger dipping sauce on that too. I don't know if it is just me, but I am never happy with these rice noodles. They always taste "overcooked" even though I soak them for several minutes less than the package directions. The spicy pickled vegetables were also a hit. They were not at all spicy, possibly because I had to substitute the sambal with thai chili sauce. The directions warn not to marinade the veges more than an hour or they will get soft and turn spicy. Mine were in the marinade for at least 2.5 hours and they were still crisp and delicious. Of course, I can drink vinegar, so maybe my view is skewed.
The only changes I would probably make next time are that I will grill the ribeye whole and then slice. I like my beef on the rare side. I will probably substitute the rice vermicelli with a whole grain pasta as well. All in all the dinner was a hit and I will most likely make it a standard summer meal.

Everything tastes better Alfresco!

  Review- Korean-style Bulgogi with ginger dipping chef_Tab Last night I made th...
That sure does look good. I think I'd be torn with the steak also - love mine rare, but I bet with a screaming hot grill, it would taste so good with all the pieces seared. hmmmm, decisions.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Review- Korean-style Bulgogi with ginger dipping cjs That sure does look ...
" Of course, I can drink vinegar, so maybe my view is skewed.
The only changes I would probably make next time are that I will grill the ribeye whole and then slice. "

I agree with both statements! I could drink vinegar, and love my meat rare. Thanks for the review and thougts!
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.

  Re: Review- Korean-style Bulgogi with ginger dipping Lorraine " Of course, I can ...
This is a paste of a post I TRIED to make at 11 AM today. We've had repeated storms today...which knock out my internet. Oddly, I went to "the city" and didn't have more than a sprinkle. I finally get to post this...maybe...LOL!

I didn't even notice this one. No wonder I was confused when you were talking about making it before...LOL! I probably skimmed over it since I have a recipe we really like for Bulgogi. Maybe I should try this one to compare.

Anyway, regarding the whole or strips thing, I do strips. (Mine calls to marinate for hours or overnight, btw.) To avoid the hassle of turning all those little jokers, I use my grill baskets. If you don't, by the time you get the last one down, it's time to flip the first one. It's a continuous job, and that's a pain for me since I usually do a LOT when I do it.

Nice review BTW!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Review- Korean-style Bulgogi with ginger dipping chef_Tab Last night I made th...
I love bulgogi, thanks for the review.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
Review- Korean-style Bulgogi with ginger dipping

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