Greetings to all! Hope this message finds everyone safe and well. Last year I took a pie crust class from Williams and Sonoma and felt I had finally mastered making a pie crust since I was able to go home and duplicate it for Thanksgiving 07. I attempted to make one again this Thanksgiving for an apple pie and it was as if I have never taken the class. I made the crust three times before I got it to roll out and not be so sticky. The first time I made it I place the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours while I prepared other things. Someone told me that I should put vinegar in the dought. What is the true secret to making a flawless crust that will turn out every time? Is it in the the type of flour? Is it using shortening vs. butter? I know that ice cold water is a part of it and lightly handling the dough as opposed to the way you handle bread dough. Suggestions? On another note, I finally decided, after trying several combinations, that I like Golden Delicious and Granny Smith combined for my filling.
Thanks all,
Thanks all,