I've been bouncing around the idea of purchasing a ice cream maker and then after reading the latest CAH, I'm hooked. Before I jump in feet first, I'd love to know if anyone had any recommendations about what brand works well. Thanks!
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Used to have the "Waring Ice-Cream Parlor," which I don't think is available any more. What made it great was that it was an electric ice-cream maker that didn't require rock salt - just regular table salt.
The reason I no longer have it? It broke. After THIRTY YEARS of use. I wonder if any of the currently available ones will last that long.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?
I have two - one is a Donvier (sp?) and one is an attachment to my Kitchen Aid mixer - love both. Haven't tested them for thirty years tho.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
www.achefsjourney.com ▼
I have two Cuisinart ice cream makers that I love. I even scored an extra bowl for 2.50 at the Habitat for Humanity store. I keep them all in the freezer ready for when the whim strikes me.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
We have a Krups and love it, also.
I have the cuisinart. Don't use it much, but it works very well. Hmmm. Think I'll go get it out.
"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..." ▼
i also have 2 Cuisinart units - one in upstate New York for peach, chocolate,
vanilla, etc., and another in Key West, Florida for mango. I also have and extra freezer container that's ALWAYS |
Ice Cream Makers
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