Sharon & Bob called last night and they have arrived, they are both fine, but they have lots of challenges to face right off the bat. I have quite a few discombubalated notes that I warned her I probably wouldn't remember what all they meant in the a.m. and she'd have to come on A.S.A.P. and explain me.

- something's wrong with the computer, hook up or something.
- Their mobile home is a real fixer upper
- During the latest storm 1/3 of the roof blew off the dining room ceiling
- They have no running water
- It's so cold they can't glue the water pipes (has to get above 40°) - but they can flush the toilet with a bucket.
- No one has lived in the mobile home for 6 years, so the whole place has the 'no one lives here' syndrome.
- Through someone's excellent planning, their dining room furniture was loaded in the open truck - rain, snow, messy weather - and the coolers, etc. were loaded in the enclosed truck.
-Two of the girl dogs took off down their long driveway to the busy highway - Sharon managed to track them down...in the snow.
- The views are outstanding and awe inspiring. Snow out the windows on one side of the mobile and beautiful sunshine out the other side.
-The as happy as clams in mud, so we're not to worry about them.


More soon, we all hope.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ?? cjs Sharon & Bob called ...
And I thought the "discombubalated" was funny!

I sure hope Sharon's internal furnace is working. William just told me...after reading this to him...that they are expecting a really cold winter this year. OIY!

"a real fixer upper" OMG! That seems like an understatement! "happy as clams in mud" Thank goodness! I'd be back in the truck, speeding back to the coast!

"Through someone's excellent planning, their dining room furniture was loaded in the open truck - rain, snow, messy weather - and the coolers, etc. were loaded in the enclosed truck." I think that is the best line on there! ROFLOL!

All laughing and horror aside...

Sharon, I hope you and Bob are well. Good luck and enjoy your new home. The views sound awe inspiring!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ?? Gourmet_Mom And I thought the "d...
Oh boy, what real champs they must be. I'd be sitting in the snow crying...and crying...

If they can get some heat, the roof and water - things can come together pretty quickly I would imagine.

Good Luck you guys! Hope we hear from you soon! Those poor pups, probably never seen snow!
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ?? esgunn Oh boy, what real c...
Wait did they buy their new home sight unseen?

I can't wait to see pictures of their view. I wonder if they could just buy a "new" mobile home that's been gently used at a good price rather than sink money into repairing the one they have now.

Sharon and Bob - hang in there!! Think of this as the ultimate camping experience
  Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ?? cjs Sharon & Bob called ...
oh my goodness!

And I thought roughing it was a black and white tv at a Holidly Inn!

Oh winter can be so cold out on the heartlands -

Do hope you can get some heat going - Best of Luck to you both

Hope all else falls into place for you.
Everything will be all right in the end. So if it is not right, then it's not yet the end.

  Re: Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ?? mjkcooking oh my goodness![br][...
In my mind:

(has to get above 40°) - but they can flush the toilet with a bucket


as happy as clams in mud

DO NOT sound as though they are stated by the same person!

my cooking adventures

  Re: Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ?? foodfiend In my mind:[br][br][...
Well, I'm glad to hear that they got there safe and sound. Sounds pretty rough though, dealing with all that in cold weather. Sharon will have some very interesting stories to tell when she gets back online.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ?? Mare749 Well, I'm glad to he...
Sounds like quite the adventure! Hoping to hear from the homesteaders in person soon!

  Re: Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ?? HomeCulinarian Sounds like quite th...
I am with Erin, I would be sitting in the snow crying. And then driving south as quickly as I could. Sharon is a true pioneer woman. So glad she sees this as an adventure and great opportunity. This whole thing sounds like the makings of a great comedy. I think they should consider selling the movie rights.

Everything tastes better Alfresco!
  Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ?? cjs Sharon & Bob called ...
Just a quickie here - It's a balmy 65F in here. The ductwork for furnace is all whackado, needs some 12" insulated flex hose to connect the ducts on the west side of the mobile. Bob and John did fix a couple leaks underneath, and put some OSB (chipboard) and tin up as skirting on the west and north ends of the mobile.

It was too windy to get up on the roof with temps in the 20's so they did a lot of "hole plugging" inside with more insulation, paneling, and gloriousduct tape (also used to tape off the unused floor registers that are blowing cold air).Furnace is working much better with the leaks plugged.

The first night here it was 15, the second 18, and we've been running night temps in the 20's the last few days, and we're on a warming trend. It snowed last night, but like all the previous snow it has pretty much melted. The lake is nearly frozen across. It's supposed to snow this afternoon but we don't need to go anywhere so "no problem".

Tomorrow it should get up in the 40's so they can get the water pipe glued and strapped up under the trailer in the insulation. The underground water and sewer lines are 8' (yes FEET) underground. I'm managing to boil water for dishes and light washing up. Baby wipes, and some shampoo that they gave me in the hospital (no water needed) are sufficing for baths.

The "busy" highway is actually 55th Ave - only paved to within a mile of the driveway and mostly farmers and hunters use it. But I worry about coyotes and other wild things more than cars. I also wanted to head them off before they headed the six miles to Interstate 94! Bob took the car keys with him when he and John went to town in John's truck.

We've got the bedroom set up so we are comfortable, needs some re-arranging but that's down the road. The dining room is pretty well organized and the living room is comfortable - needs work, but it's going to be nice. The actual "living room" is the staging room for boxes right now, eventually we'll make in a den with a wood stove, our desks, and lots and lots of book cases. One bedroom will be the "pantry" and the other a dedicated guest room! Come on down! In a few months!

All of the coolers are uloaded and the frozen food tucked away in the freezers. There's a coleman cooler on the porch that's got hot sauces, etc. and is just barely thawed! Last night I founds some meatballs and couscous in the freezer (Moroccan???) so that was dinner. Tonight is Cuisine@Home (I think) Chicken Enchilada soup and maybe some pupusas.

I'll try to get some pictures uploaded sometime today. WOW. John says I should keep the beauty and all the other wonderful things about North Dakota secret - no more immigrants!

The worst part of this whole expedition is the State of California. Since Bob gave them a new mailing list they decided to hold his unemployment check until he has a phone interview this coming Thursday! Puts a crimp in lifestyle - but it's all good.

More later - missed you all, and glad to be back!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
Sharon & Bob's Great Adventure - Chapt. ??

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