Hi everyone!!!

Since my subscription was just renewed for a few years I figured it was time to stick my head in the door and say hello!

First off I am NOT cooking for work right now...I am a front of house supervisor while I wait for my bosses to open up a couple of more locations and split the "family" so I can move into the kitchen once again! Doing all from scratch Italian cuisine to order in a 190 seat place but for the next few weeks am waiting tables and making sure the waitstaff understands the food and what I as a Chef expect from them...the tips are nice...

We (Holly and I) are expecting another little girl at the end of April of 2010. So all of the cyber family here and elsewhere is about to have the family grow again. The new (last January) house is still not 100% done but is getting much closer to done. Still in semi-rural Iowa and freezing our buns off with a bunch of snow and ice around as I am sure many of you are experiencing as well!

So how is everyone??? I'd do hellos to everyone but I'd miss someone I am sure! Might not be back for a day or two but we are closed Mondays at work so that is a good day for me to read what everyone has been up to and cooking around here! Missed everyone!!!
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)

  So have I missed anything around here??? firechef Hi everyone!!![br][b...
Well, hello stranger! Life sounds pretty good. How are things going with pregnant mommy and little Kambree? I bet Christmas was a blast this year! It's good to hear from you.

It's funny, it seems there are several former members checking in today.
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: So have I missed anything around here??? Gourmet_Mom Well, hello stranger...
I'm not a former just an absent member for a while!!! Christmas was a fun one as it was all at our house Christmas Day...my family came for dinner. Christmas Eve was as normal at Holly's family who will not touch ANYTHING I cook STILL!!! Got all sorts of new "awards" this past summer for cooking and they still turn up their noses with the exception of her Mom, Dad and Brother that is. Did my bacon spinach artichoke dip and still have a bunch left!!! Ugh!
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)

  Re: So have I missed anything around here??? firechef I'm not a former jus...
Yea, dip can get old after a while. I guess you've done the whole pasta thing...how about stuffing it in chicken or pork?

I bet you had fun having the family over. We went to Mom's...that was a nightmare. I love her, but I'm beginning to think she's one of those people on those Hoarder shows. I'm not kidding. We'll see after she finally gets her kitchen stuff put away. Why she didn't do this before we went to dinner, I don't know. That, or just tell me, "I'm not ready, let's have it at your house." I would have been fine with that.

All that said, dinner was perfect, if I do say so myself. The only thing left off was the Crab Salad Cups. But I'm making those tomorrow. (Ashley's gonna kill me! That was her request.) I would have done that if I had known the whole salad deal was gonna fall on me, but I hated I wasn't giving Mom ANYTHING to make except putting the roast on per my instructions. In the long run, I could have done the Crab Salad Cups since I wound up buying the Spring Salad Mix and making the vinaigrette. Oh well!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: So have I missed anything around here??? Gourmet_Mom Yea, dip can get old...
Welcome back and congratulations!

One big thing you missed is that, three months ago (already?!) Billy (bjcotton) passed away. Jean has compiled a cookbook tribute to him, but I'm not sure if she has any left.

Many of us have been wondering where you were and how you were doing, and we are glad to have you check in again. I hope your new venture goes well. Let us know!
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: So have I missed anything around here??? labradors Welcome back and con...
Good to hear from you, Firechief. Sounds like you've been a busy guy. Labs is right, the biggest news around here is that Billy is missing.

  Re: So have I missed anything around here??? HomeCulinarian Good to hear from yo...
Welcome back to the neighborhood!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  So have I missed anything around here??? firechef Hi everyone!!![br][b...
So good to hear from you again. You have been missed.

Congratulations on the new baby - and on the coming new position. Stick around when you can!

We aren't too far from you now - well at least we're a lot closer being in North Dakota. Snow on the ground, and more flurries expected. Love it.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: So have I missed anything around here??? Harborwitch So good to hear from...
I'm glad you popped back I see you on FB so I don't feel like you've been gone LOL!!

  Re: So have I missed anything around here??? DFen911 I'm glad you popped ...
I'm glad you are back - I went AOL for a while and when I came back I didn't see you and was wondering how you were doing and also how your little girl was doing. Congratulations on the upcoming wee one!!
So have I missed anything around here???

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