Academy Awards
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Well what a whirl wind of interesting things.

I arrived on Wednesday and the first thing out of Chef Ingo's mouth was (keep in mind he has a very thick German accent) "Ok who here is the best?" Well while the other 4 yahoo's are looking at each other and smiling my hand goes up and I proudly state "That would be me chef!" “Good you come with me, the rest wait here Jen will tell you what to do.”

So off I go with Chef Ingo who puts me on the main line and we’re about to make Tapas. This is a dry run for the Oscars. I would post the entire Menu but worried that will make the post to long so I’ll put that in another post by itself. I was in charge of making the Mini gole-wrapped baked potato with French farm raised Osetra Caviar and Crème Fraiche, Stir Fried Lettuce Cups with Thai Basil and Pinenuts, and Miso Glazed Black Cod with Sticky Rice and Cucumbers.

There was this other guy, a chef from some restaurant back in Atlanta Georgia that thought he was hot stuff and that having students in the kitchen were a burden. You can see how we bonded right off the get go. His name was Lindy. So as Chef Ingo is telling us what he wants done and how it will go, he constantly tasting everything and having us taste as well.

Denise vs. Real World –
Denise looks for a tasting spoon.
Ingo puts his fingers into pots and tastes.
Denise is still looking for tasting spoon, or fork or knife etc.
Lindy puts his finger in tastes
Denise gets sick watching all the fingers going in and being licked, seasoning added and SAME finger going in for more tasting.
Ingo senses Denise’s discomfort and hands her a spoon from his pocket
Denise knows spoon isn’t clean and about gags
Ingo tells Denise “Put in that pasta water there to clean it”

This was on every dish. Well Lindy is sent off to grab some tray of something from the walk-in and comes back. During that time another container was brought over by someone else and placed on the counter for us to use. I knew what was in it, but smart Lindy didn’t even ask. He goes into “Yes it’s very important to taste everything!” “yes I know, but fingers are dirty and tasting spoons are cheap.” He then goes “Oh you never have time for that…like this here…” and he picks up the new container that was dropped off and puts his finger in to taste it. I could have said “wait don’t” but he was too fast for me. After he tastes he says “now I know this is the oriental sauce for the chicken.” I look at him and smile sweetly and say “You’re right that’s what it is, but it also has all the raw chicken in it too.” He blanches. I walk away.

So that day I assembled the bake potatoes and what not. The chefs were pleased how they looked and how they’d be presented. So my next task that day was to help Chef Danielle, who I ended up helping all the next day as well. She is the Saucier. She makes every sauce, dip and dressing for all of Wolfgang Pucks restaurants in the area.

You haven’t made dill dip before until you’ve made it Wolfgang style. She sends me off for the dill and sour cream. I asked her how much did she want me to bring, she said to bring the whole container. Got it! Off I go to the walk-in to get the sour cream. I know it’s going to be in a bigger container than a 1 or 2 cup size so I look for a gallon container. Can’t find it….keep looking…and looking….oh lord that can’t be it! It is…25 gallon bucket of sour cream. At this moment I look in my left hand as I had already gotten the dill. Well I can see these 10 sprigs aren’t going to be enough…

I am also now the Aioli Queen. Gallons of Lemon, Pineapple, Basil, Cilantro, Garlic and assorted others I made.

Choron sauce, curry sauce, oriental chicken sauce, bordelaise sauce, cocktail sauce mushroom stock, chicken stock and gravies

Vert’s house dressing, Caesar dressing, Pucks house dressing, basil garlic vinaigrette and Fresh herb vinaigrette to name a few.

I can also say I have minced more shallots and garlic in 2 days than I probably will for the rest of this year.

Then came Saturday and getting ready for the pre-show event. On this day we did a lot of appetizer dishes.

Gazpacho Shooters
Mini Shrimp Cocktails
Babba Ganoush
Mini Quiche
California Rolls
Spicy Tuna Rolls
Mini Roast Beef Sandwiches

They asked me if I wanted to come in early on Sunday and help with the pre-show party. I said sure. Chef Vinny asked me to find 6 others like me who also wanted to help. Our shift was suppose to start at noon but he wanted us in at 8am. So I found some other volunteers. We got all the fixings out from the day before and began assembly. These were all placed on speed racks (5 in all) that each had an assortment of items. Each level of the Kodak Theater had a team assigned to it. I was on the fourth level. I could look over the edge and see all the stars coming in and walking into the theater.

So we started plating everything up and the waiters would take a tray in and walk around. Well we got a request for 4 special plates. I got them all assembled and took them in.

I plated for Steven Spielberg!
Pre-show over time to break everything down and begin prep for tonight’s Governor’s Ball.

I get back to the main kitchen and I’m told get over to Chef ‘Blank’ because I never heard the name was just steered in the general direction. I was to be on a carving station inside the ballroom! How fun was that!? So there I am on the ballroom floor carving Snake River Kobe Beef Tenderloin for the winners of the awards.

On my station was Eddie, Chef Liz and myself. We served –

Grilled Snake River Farms “Kobe” Beef with Bordelaise Sauce
Wasabi Potato Puree
Roasted Organic “Smart” Chicken Breast
Mushroom Risotto with Black Truffles from Perigord, France
Spiny Lobster Shanghai Style with Crispy Spinach
Striped Bass “En Croute” with Sauce Choron
Stir Fried Chino Farms Organic Vegetables
Assorted Organic Breads

So looking at the food I’m like “Hey I made the wasabi paste for those potatoes. And the sauce on the chicken. Oh I did the Choron sauce too and the Bordelaise!” Very proud moment for me.

Saw a lot of stars, but what’s so bad is I watch so little TV and never go to the movies anymore so I recognize them but don’t know their names. Some of the dresses were just spectacular and the jewels! Holy cow…I know most are rented or borrowed…but wow.

Martin Scorese’s eyebrows came in about 20 minutes before he did – Hahaha.

It was a wonderful experience. I cannot believe how tired I was Sunday night when I left and then I had a 2 hour drive home and had to be at my regular job bright and early in the morning. So I didn’t even have a moment to log onto the boards.

I am sure there is so much I’m not remembering right now and will update as I do.

Now everyone keep their fingers crossed. Come this April I am suppose to hear about Cannes Film Festival!
  Re: Academy Awards by DFen911 (Well what a whirl wi...)
I'm smiling the biggest grin EVER! You are wonderful. As fun as your 'blog' was, I have to say that this is my favorite line:
"I look at him and smile sweetly and say “You’re right that’s what it is, but it also has all the raw chicken in it too.” He blanches. I walk away."

What a cliche but - YOU GO GIRL!!! You'll be great a Cannes.

Now let us all know the recipes that you memorized!

Please spay and neuter your pets.
  Re: Academy Awards by DFen911 (Well what a whirl wi...)
Well while the other 4 yahoo's are looking at each other and smiling my hand goes up and I proudly state "That would be me chef!"

Yep, that's YOU!!! How incredibly, wonderfully fun-- congratulations!

my cooking adventures
  Re: Re: Academy Awards by foodfiend ([i]Well while the ot...)
Denise dear, you just can't imagine how proud I am of you! My sister Marilee read your posts and said, "Wow! You say this woman just finished culinary school? Wow!" I'm about to explode I'm so proud of and excited for you!
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Re: Academy Awards by DFen911 (Well what a whirl wi...)
I'm so proud of you! What an honor to be asked, and what a bit of luck for them to have you help prep! Great job!

  Re: Re: Academy Awards by pjcooks (I'm so proud of you!...)
How fun! How exhausting! How marvelous!! Ya done good, girl.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

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